When the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world…she became a butterfly!

Archive for August, 2012

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/28/12 ‘Mayan Prophecy & December 2012’

Corridors are now opening for many of you as you walk down these last halls of the deep labyrinth of your lower dimensional journey, keeping time in perfection with the lessons you are learning, the wisdom you are gaining and the understandings you are reaching. This is how it works. Doors will open for you when you approach them. They do not open for you before you learn the skill sets required to reach them. This universe, your universe, has been designed in such a way as to allow those who have reached certain levels of understanding, growth and maturity to ‘filter’ through, if you will, into higher realms of existence. This universe has been designed in such a way as to allow those who have reached certain levels of their growth and maturity to live amongst each other in a more equitable, peaceful, harmonious, balanced, safe and productive environment.

Here in your world we have an anomaly of this balance and harmony. Here in your world you experience great problems and dis-ease because there are so many here who have reached so many different levels of their spiritual, mental, emotional and even physical growth. Do you understand this clearly? Do you see that there are souls here in your world who simply just do not match each other’s vibrations? Sometimes these vibrations starkly contrast one another and this simply will not do. It does not work. We, the Galactic Federation of Light and your higher evolved ascended family members have discovered and learned through our experience, our research and our studies that this kind of scenario is not productive, is not efficient for the maturation and growth of a spiritual being, not at all, as a matter of fact, our findings conclude that quite the opposite is produced from this kind of environment.
A soul recedes, retards, falls back on behavioral patterns and thought processes. This is what happens when you mix so many different kinds of fish into a small goldfish bowl. This cannot be done, although it has been done here in the goldfish bowl of Earth. We, with your assistance and cooperation, are going to change all this. There is a great master plan at work, a plan so ingenious, so wonderfully conceived that it can only harbor fruitful results, as the planners of this idea, this vision, are some of the greatest minds in this entire universe. This collective of extremely advanced beings collected their thoughts together and pooled their powers of creative manifestation and vision and have derived an ‘escape plan’, if you will, for those of you who wish to take your steps out of this realm, leaving behind those whose frequencies and vibration will perfectly match their neighbors who will remain with them so they can also continue their lessons in a world perfectly suited for them, their growth, their education, and their maturation, and they will still enjoy all of the things that they today enjoy, for their world will remain a perfect match for them.
Try to look at it and think about it this way; there are many things happening in your world today that these individuals who will remain behind in a 3rd dimensional world do not like, and many of these things that they do not like are the thought processes, the actions and the deeds of those of higher dimensional thought and consciousness. Do you see that there are ideas and visions of those of higher dimensional consciousness that they do not agree with, that make them very uncomfortable, even angry, and that cause them to react nastily, hostile, even violently? There are those of you who are more ‘liberal’, and there are those of you who are more , shall we use the term ‘conservative’, and this is merely the tip of the iceberg.
There are those of you who believe races should never interact with each other. Do you think that these individuals belong and deserve to exist within a higher dimensional realm where not only are there different skin colors, but there are different kinds of beings from all over this universe whose differences go far beyond skin color, as skin color is as you say, only skin deep, but here in the deeper stretches of this universe there are beings whose physical, mental and emotional constructs are completely different from others. How do you think these racist individuals would handle existing within a higher dimensional realm?  Do you think that they may almost lose their minds or perhaps lash out in violence and attempt to hurt others? Yes, this would be very likely, and this certainly can be demonstrated here in your world as there are very many who yet to this day lash out at others merely because they possess a differing skin color.
This is just one example of why there are those who cannot make this trip with you, who cannot be given the keys to the dimensional doorways. This cannot be. Your universe your Creator has created for you is a perfect universe, a miraculous universe, and this universe cannot be soiled, mitigated and destroyed by those of a lower dimensional consciousness who have not learned to live in peace and harmony and with respect for one another. No, this will not do and we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are the protectors of these doorways. We are the guardsmen, we are the gatekeepers, and we will make sure that we will keep out all of those that do not belong here with us and with those of you who will be gracing these entranceways in the very near days ahead.
By ‘in the near days ahead’ we do not mean tomorrow, but we certainly do not mean years from now. These doorways will come available for you in the coming months. Is that exciting dear ones? We feel many of you will be excited upon this news. This news has not been officially granted to you, as there are many mitigating circumstances and there are many events that may change this, as we assure you and have all along, timelines are extremely fluid, changing and experiencing metamorphosis throughout each and every one of your given days, but we will say to you that our research and our monitoring services have concluded that these dimensional doorways will open for some of you in the next few months. This means roughly give or take December of your year 2012, a month that should not surprise very many of you, as we understand, many of you have been fixated upon this month of this year for quite some time now, even going back thousands of years throughout many of your past incarnations.
The Maya who have prophesied this coming month of December and this year of 2012 were some of those who are today members of your society. Does this surprise you as well dear ones, that some of you who took part in the conception, design and construction of your Mayan Calendar are walking amongst you today? They may even be reading these words today, what do you think about that? Do you find that interesting? There are many more wonderful insights into who you are, and we look forward to sharing these insights with you as time goes by and not just all at once, as we like to give you bits and pieces, hints and clues from time to time. We feel that you would prefer it that way as it makes it quite fun, does it not?
So some of you were members of the Mayan civilization back thousands of years ago. For some reason you at that time as a citizen of the Mayan society understood that December of 2012 may be a time period where great change would come upon this world and upon you. Why did you know that? How did you know that? These are questions we would like you to think about. Do you think that it is possible that the Mayan people, ancient in many ways comparative to your growth and maturity today, had connections somehow to the higher dimensional realms and their higher dimensional families, perhaps the same sort of connections that you today have?
What would these connections be today? Are we standing face-to-face with you, sharing this information with you? Are we directly publishing this information to you through magazines, books or through television? No, we are not. We are sharing with you these insights through our channels, and it was thousands of years ago that members of your Mayan civilization acted as channels of our higher dimensional communications and passed this information that they were receiving from us to their brothers and sisters, to those who accepted this information as truth, as accurate, and believed so much in it that they constructed great pyramids and calendars to mark the time period that their channels prophesied would be a period of great change for humanity and the planet.
What do you think about that dear ones? Do you find that surprising that much of the advanced information that your scholars, your architects, your researchers and your scientists cannot figure out how the Maya attained, possessed and shared with the world through their stone architecture to this very day was actually given to them by us, their higher dimensional family members of the Galactic Federation of Light, the same beings who today are passing similar insightful information to you through our channels? Would it further surprise you that at least some of our channels today that are sharing this information from us to you are the same channels that walked among the Maya as one of them thousands of years ago in your Central American region of your world?
This is all we have to share with you today, and we say to you that there are marvels of insight and information awaiting those of you with minds open to receive, just as there are many great doors before you that will open for those of you who have prepared yourselves and have earned the right to step through them. We are your higher dimensional ascended families who today again send messages of love and light, vision and insight through our channels who again walk among you as one of you, for indeed they are. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.

As channeled through Greg Giles

http://ascensionearth2012.org/- English

http://spanishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Spanish
http://brazilgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Brazil
http://bulgariangg.blogspot.com/ – Bulgarian
http://coratiangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Croatian
http://dutchgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Dutch
http://germangreggiles.blogspot.com/ -German
http://greekgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Greek
http://hebrewgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hebrew
http://polishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Polish
http://japanesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Japanese
http://portugalgg.blogspot.com/- Portugal
http://romaniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Romanian
http://russiangreggilles.blogspot.com/ – Russian
http://sloveniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Slovenian
http://swedishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ -Swedish
http://chinesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Traditional Chinese
http://hungariangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hungarian
http://frenchgreggiles.blogspot.com/- French
http://turkishgreggiles.blogspot.com/2012/03/02032 Turkish
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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/27/12 ‘Communiqué from our Commanders’

Clearing the way for the initiation of the projects and programs we have spoken to you about is the necessity for you and your people to rid your societies of those that are controlling you, manipulating you, threatening you, those who work tirelessly to block you from achieving new goals and experiencing what it is wish for yourselves here in your world. We cannot, as we have said, come down to your surface world and land and begin to work with your people in the construction of new systems until a suitable time when we feel the cabal and their large web of negative influence has been adequately shattered, at least to some degree.
We are not requiring you to incarcerate and hold for trial every single member of the cabal, their associates and their minions. This would be too much to ask, and what we are asking is certainly not too much. Let us be clear about what it is we do require of you, the people of Earth, and those who we refer to as our Earth allies. We require of you to make suitable advancements into the infrastructure of what we shall refer to as a web of deception, of corruption, of negative influence of a criminal empire that stretches like a large spider web all across your planet and into even small corners and crevices of small countries and regions. We feel it would not be prudent for our organization to come down to your surface world while these wrongdoers, these criminals run free to reign over the control of so many parts of your world and systems of your world.
It is in exceedingly difficult for us or anyone to begin to deconstruct and reconstruct, and in some cases, create entirely new systems while there are individuals planning and scheming for the immediate demise of the systems that we intend to create. We feel you can certainly understand our position here. We are asking of you to adequately destroy some of this web that stretches all across the face of your planet. By this we mean we would like to see their web of communications struck down, their chain of command infiltrated, and as many of their key members as is possible incarcerated for their crimes that they have already committed.
We are not waiting for them to commit new crimes as this is unnecessary, as there exists already a mountain of evidence, more than is required for their arrests, incarcerations and convictions. This we are very confident about. We have great legal teams that have combed through every page of the documentation pertaining to the crimes of these individuals including conspiracies that, if allowed to reach fruition, would have seen to the complete demise and destruction of the human race. Is this not enough dear ones, for you to act upon these arrest warrants and take these individuals into custody? What is it you are waiting for them to do? Are you waiting for them to succeed in their diabolical plans to destroy your societies and much of your physical planet as well, because this is what their intentions are, this is what they are planning, this is their agenda.
Their agenda is to completely obliterate your societal systems while anointing themselves rulers over these fallen societies, unelected, unqualified and unworthy rulers. They do not wish for elections, even though many of them are rigged by their own hands. They do not wish to campaign, they do not wish to perpetuate their agenda of lies, deceit, propaganda, trickery, mind control and influence. They simply wish to call themselves kings and queens and high priests of your world and move into any palace or castle that they wish and rule over you and your people just like the kings and queens of your past and even those today who still reside in these palatial estates while so many of your people go hungry and homeless. These individuals do not care about these souls; they care not for common decency and good or for the welfare of the people of your world. They only care about themselves. They only know greed, lust for power and control, and sexual deviation and gratification.
They know no bounds. Their conscience does not function like yours. Do not try to compare them to you; this would be like comparing apples to oranges, as you say, for there is no comparison to be made here. They are an abomination of your world. They are not a part of it, they should never have been permitted to be a part of it, and now it is time they are removed from your society. This is the decree of your Creator, the Creator of all that is. Is this not enough for your ears to hear? Your Creator, the One, the All that you refer to as God, He Himself has commanded that these shadowy figures be removed from your world and taken someplace else, someplace else where they rightfully belong and have always belonged and nowhere else, especially here in what can be an absolutely gorgeous and perfect place for higher dimensional beings to enjoy their Creator given existence and journey through His magnificent creation of this universe.
This is all we wish to speak to you about today, for there is no other subject really that compares. All others must pale in the light of this one subject as it is so incredibly important for you, the people of Earth. Those of you who have the ability and the training and the leadership to pick up your arms, if this is what is necessary, do so, and walk up to the residences where these individuals of the cabal reside, scheme and plan for the destruction of your people and your world and kick in their front door. We cannot do this for you and we will not do this for you. This has also been the decree of your Creator. Your Creator decreed that it is you, the people of Earth, who must awaken yourselves and must take action to free yourselves, not through words and rhetoric and speeches and campaigns and petitions, but through action, from deed. He commanded that it is time for you, the people of Earth, to awaken and take matters into your own hands, for once not leaving this bundle on someone else’s doorstep.
Do we make ourselves clear here, that we will not accept your child on our doorstep, that we will not do your dirty work for you? This is not why we are here and this is what we will not do. We will assist you in every way that we can as we have been assisting you in every way that we can. We have incredibly advanced technologies and methods of surveillance and intelligence gathering and we will do all that we can to furnish you with all the intelligence information that you require to complete, at least to some degree, these arrests of the members and associates of what we refer to as your criminal cabal.
There are many different groups, organizations and names that these criminals have given themselves and the cabal is simply a nickname, a moniker we use to more easily identify them when we are referring to them. You may refer to them as the Illuminati, as this would be very accurate to say, though many of those criminals we refer to as members of the cabal are not official members of the Illuminati, let us be clear about this. There are members of your Freemasonic organizations, your Knights Templar organization, Knights of the Rosicrucian Orders, all these fancy names they give themselves, but really when it all boils down there is just one name for these wayward souls and that is criminals. They are criminals because they belong to a criminal organization, a criminal empire, whether they realize it or not.
There are low ranking members of these organizations, let us be clear about this, that may not even recognize or understand that they are lowly members of a criminal organization. They may not have been called up for any criminal service, yet anyway, but this is why they have been recruited. They were not recruited into these organizations for their looks, their charm, their expertise or their love and compassion for their fellow brothers and sisters. They were called into these organizations to do the dirty work of those above them in the grand pyramid of each organization. That is all. They are minions, they are pawns, and each and every one of them who has also committed crimes in the name of their organization or their higher- ups in the pyramidal stack we say your time will also come. You will also be incarcerated and held for trial, and with the mound of evidence that we will assist to provide, you will be convicted and you will be sentenced and you will not be happy about it. This we promise you; this will be done.
It is only a matter of time and it is time that we do not have the luxury of sparing any longer. It is now the time, tomorrow is not, that these arrests are kicked into high gear. We cannot wait around here for long. So many of your world feel you are waiting on us, and we wish to make this as absolutely clear and state this as loudly and boldly as we can; you are not waiting on us, we are and have been for a very long time waiting on you to clear the garbage from your streets who are the cabal and their associates, for us to begin the projects that we have spoken of. We have made ourselves clear here. Are there any words that we have just spoken that you do not understand, for we too tire of waiting just as many of you tire of waiting and we need to get underway immediately as there is hardly any time left to complete these very important projects that will see to the safety, well-being and prosperity and end so much suffering and hardship for your people. Is this not enough, dear ones?
We ask you again; please do whatever it is you have to do and mount a charge and take into custody these important and key figures in these shadowy organizations. We await your response, and by response we do not mean more words and more promises and more requests for intelligence. We await your response in the fields in the name of the arrests of as many of these criminals as is humanly possible.
Thank you for your time today, our dear brothers and sisters, and if our tone today was rather harsh and perhaps stern, please understand that there is a time and a place for loving, beautiful and picturesque expressions of your wonderful and bright futures, and there is a time for our Commanders, our higher- ups, if you will, to have their say with you and our Commanders are not the poets, are not the sages of beautiful and poetic limerick, speech and expression. They are Commanders, Generals. They are the leaders of great fleets of starships, many that have led the charge into battle to remove negative beings who have done harm to other souls in this universe.
This is who has given you this message today. It is not the usual group of higher dimensional beings who have shared with you their kind and gentle, loving and poetic expressions throughout the past. Today’s message was issued to you by our brass, if you will, and they are playing no games here. They are very professional, they are very competent in what they do and they take their jobs very seriously, and what they wish to see immediately are those of your people who work on the front lines, who are armed to the teeth, who have the capabilities, the technology, the leadership and the opportunity do what it is they have to do to free the people of your world. It is what we, the Galactic Federation of Light, would do if it were our people who were prisoners. We would ‘take no prisoners’ in the freeing of our people if this is what was required for this mission. We love you and we care so much about you. You are our brothers and sisters and we want you free just as much as you want yourselves free, and we say to you this day for your freedom has come, there are no more tomorrows. Today is the day.
We sign off for now, until tomorrow, we are your brothers and sisters, your comrades in arms, fighting for your freedom. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
http://spanishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Spanish
http://brazilgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Brazil
http://bulgariangg.blogspot.com/ – Bulgarian
http://coratiangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Croatian
http://dutchgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Dutch
http://germangreggiles.blogspot.com/ -German
http://greekgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Greek
http://hebrewgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hebrew
http://polishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Polish
http://japanesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Japanese
http://portugalgg.blogspot.com/- Portugal
http://romaniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Romanian
http://russiangreggilles.blogspot.com/ – Russian
http://sloveniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Slovenian
http://swedishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ -Swedish
http://chinesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Traditional Chinese
http://hungariangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hungarian
http://frenchgreggiles.blogspot.com/- French
http://turkishgreggiles.blogspot.com/2012/03/02032 Turkish
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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of your Creator’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of your Creator’




As channeled through Greg Giles

Swiftly sweeping you towards your new reality are your hopes and your dreams for a better world and a better life for you and those around you. It has been many long eons since many of you could call a world that you live in safe, secure, prosperous, even beautiful, as much of your planet has become scarred and marred in certain ways.  We see for you many changes on your horizon, but all of these changes do not come for free without some kind of effort and some levels of responsibility for your roles as caretakers of your new world. What we, the Galactic Federation of Light, propose is that each and every one of you take an active role in not only the shaping of your new world in its design, but in the implementation process where these changes will take place. What we mean by this is we would like to incorporate the efforts of every single person on your planet, although we realize this is very ambitious and would be quite a task and achievement. We also feel this is a goal at least setting for ourselves, to give us a marker to shoot for.

What we wish to achieve by this is a certain level of pride of accomplishment, of ownership, of responsibility for the management, the upkeep and the protection of your new societies and your planet as well. When a being feels responsibility for something, when a being feels that he or she is truly a part of something, their attitudes change considerably and they are more apt to roll up their sleeves and get involved and stay involved, for they feel their contributions are worth something, that their efforts are needed and amount to something. Can you understand this? Can you see that the more hands that pitch in today in the formation of your new world and the more hands that pitch in to the projects and programs that will help shape your new world, then the more hands that will take active roles of leadership in the protection, the upkeep and the maintenance of your new world, and by maintenance we do not mean menial labor.


What we mean by maintenance is that a world does not always survive on its own. There are many necessary tasks needed to keep a society afloat and running at full speed. What we suggest are programs that will incorporate the participation of everyone on your planet in turn, so everyone can be a part of its governance, its maintenance, its planning and its upkeep. We do not wish to see many of you sitting on your hands, as it were, while allowing others to do all the work. As we have said, we have many advanced technologies that will reduce greatly the need for menial labor, and what we are talking about our areas of your new society that will necessitate, at least in some part and at least some of the time, a hands on approach from some of those of your world.


We do not wish and it is not our aim to select certain members of your populations dependent on any variables to be the sole caretakers or workers in these areas, no matter where it is these individuals live, their levels of income, education or social status. We do not do this, and this is not any part of the system we wish to implement in your world. What we propose, and we look today for your responses to learn how you feel about our proposal, is that we wish to implement a system where each and every member of your world will take turns in organized fashion to monitor, and at times, maintain certain systems that necessitate some kind of human attention, and occasionally, adjustment and tuning. This is not much to ask considering the wonderful and generous benefits each and every one of you will be receiving through the construction and implementation of these new systems.


What we are discussing today is a great benefit that will derive from each and every one of you taking a personal and hands on approach to these systems. What we are saying is that these systems will provide more to you than what they have been designed to do and what their function is. What these systems will provide to you is a brand-new higher dimensional attitude for your people, where pride and responsibility for your planet and your brothers and sisters alike will be the new call of the day. No longer will so many individuals ‘pass the buck’, as you say in your world, and allow others to do all the work or allow others to take all the responsibility for the management of so many different systems.


This in large part has been the cause of the fall of your society. So many gave their power away to so few, allowing them to do all the work of governance for them simply in return of providing them some of their taxpayer money and their vote in many cases. This will not do, and the product of such attitudes and choice is evident for all to see in your world today where corruption and chaos, inequity, imbalance, inadequacy, lack of justice and lack of fairness have run rampant throughout just about every society of your world save none. Your world today is in a state of chaos and confusion, as all of the systems that had been implemented are now thunderously crashing to the ground almost simultaneously, as if a higher power said ‘This is enough, the time for all of this madness now comes to an end, so I command. And in its place I command new systems to take the place of these corrupt and outdated, unjust and unclean, impure and unfair, unkind and unloving, un-prosperous and unrewarding systems.’


This has been the decree of your Creator, and that is why we and our alliance are here right now. This is why we have chosen to come here, as your Creator who is our Creator deemed that this planet now undergo great changes to restore her to a world of pristine beauty and fairness, love and light, reward  and prosperity for each and every individual who calls this planet their home. We agreed to take on this responsibility and traveled in vast numbers in our great ships and we are here, and we are at this time in orbit around your planet, your solar system, and even beyond into the outer stretches of space. We are everywhere. You may see we are even traveling to and from your surface world quite regularly on assignments to carry out our duties all in the name of these changes that your Creator has commanded. We work tirelessly. We do not take days off. We do not loaf around and do nothing as precious time ticks by, as some of your world somehow have come to believe.


We know and see even more clearly than you possibly can how much time there is allotted for these changes to take place. We say to you that we, on a daily basis, have one eye on the ticking clock and one eye on your world, for time is of the essence and there is no time to spare, to waste, to fritter away or to bargain away. This we understand perfectly clear. We only wish that more of you would understand this and take on the attitude that we have that there is absolutely no time to waste, as it is necessary for many of you to get on your horse and make the changes within yourselves and also find the time in any ways that you can to assist us and assist your brothers and sisters make the changes outside of you in your world, changes with repercussions that will reverberate throughout this entire universe.


We have asked on many occasions for the assistance of those of you who wish to lend a hand, to pitch in and help us achieve certain goals. There are many of you who have responded to our calls and many of you work diligently at your computers each and every day helping us help you by sharing the information that you have ascertained about us, our presence here, our honorable intentions to assist your world, what kind of changes your people can expect and will take place and what this will mean to your people. We have also asked you to share the information pertaining to the arrests of many of the members of your societies who have led you astray, who have taken advantage of you, who have conned you, lied to you and bilked you out of your hard earned money, your freedoms, your health, your wealth and your futures.


We have asked you to do this as these arrests will continue to pick up steam. They are at this time moving at a somewhat rapid pace, a pace that is surely to escalate, and there will come a time where the news of these arrests will break through the media blackout in your western nations. When this happens, can you imagine the chaos that may ensue as so many millions of your citizens who have absolutely no idea that they are even the victims of crimes, no less that the perpetrators, the criminals of these crimes against them are those that they have voted for and continue to support strongly in many cases to this very day? The shock that some of these individuals may experience will go far beyond what they are capable to handle. Many of these individuals will succumb to the shock and it is you, the people of Earth, who must come to their aid.


Before aid would have to be administered, a certain level of prevention is required, for it would make no sense not to practice any level of preventive measure and then allow so many of your people to become injured and force your people to scramble about to try to manage this overflow of those in need. Do you understand what we are saying here? What we are saying is we are asking you, the people of your world, to drop what it is you feel is so important today if these things have nothing  to do with your survival or the important changes of your world, because they do not. Whatever it is you are doing, if it is not related to our discussions is not important and must be discarded from your attention. We ask you to help spread awareness of these arrests and what will follow, as this is the ounce of preventive measure that is worth a pound of cure, to coin a very wonderful phrase from your world.


We wish to prevent such an overflow of those who succumb to shock, and we also wish to minimize the shock on your systems, as all of the systems in your world require manpower and the attention of a workforce. When so many members of your work forces will succumb to injury, either mentally or emotionally in the days ahead upon the news of our presence here and the arrests of so many of their elected leaders, can you imagine what will happen to so many of your systems when so many employees fail to show up at their job sites? Your systems will, because they must, begin to collapse one after another in rapid succession. We cannot have this. Your world is not set up to sustain such a barrage of system collapse. Do you understand the importance therefore of doing all that you can today to minimize this shock on your people and your systems? This is why we ask you respectfully time and again to share openly and share as far and as wide as you can this type of information.


You are not wasting your time on an ‘after school project’, as it were, or a hobby. What you would be investing your time in are Earth saving projects to better prepare humanity for these changes that are already well on their way. Considering this, considering how incredibly important the work that you do today is to preserve your societal systems tomorrow, could you find a way today to drop whatever it is that consumes so much of your time and leaves so little to this important assignment? Your assignment is to be a fountain, a wellspring of information relating to these arrests and the incredible changes that are now upon your society, whatever you feel these changes are and which you choose to share with others. You may choose to share the information about our organization, video or photographic evidence of our ships in your skies, details of our mission here, the fact that there are so many thousands of you who now recognize and identify with being incarnated members of our organization known respectfully as Lightworkers, you may even choose to share some of our channeled communications with others, although we do not recommend to use our channeled communications as any kind of proof or evidence of our existence, as this level of evidence is not very suitable for this task, as we have learned here in your world, many of your people shun these communications because they do not trust the channels that are delivering them.


There is a great level of distrust, suspicion and cynical skepticism in your world, far more so than in most worlds throughout this universe, although this level of cynicism and skepticism we have encountered before, we wish to make that clear. Here you have many reasons for this, and we will not go into them at this time for it is beyond the scope of our discussion with you today, but we will say though that there has been such a level of deceit and lying going on here in your world for so many eons of time that we do not blame any of you at all for your levels of distrust and skepticism. That is all we have to say about this for now, but we do remind you that using our channeled communications to help spread the word of our organization is not at all advised, as these forms of communication are better served to those of you who already resonate with our existence and wish to be kept abreast of updates and our communications from our side of our great team effort here.


We do suggest to you to share the video footage of our ships, as we feel this is perhaps your best ‘weapon’ to spread awareness of our organization, always keeping in mind that we feel it is a good idea to identify the ships in the video footage with a name such as Galactic Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command, and not just simply saying that these are what you call UFOs, as we are no longer unidentifiable to you, are we? When you see ships in your skies that you know are not aircraft from your 3rd dimensional world, you now have identified them as either ships from the Galactic Federation of Light or the Ashtar Command. There are other alliances here as well that are aligned with the light, but for now let us just focus on these two commands, and we ask you to help others understand that these lights and objects in your sky are our ships, they are under intelligent control.


We are here on a mission, and when you see our ships you know that we are working, we are not joyriding or just lollygagging around, we are performing a certain duty at that time, even if that certain duty is to simply make our ships known to you, as this is one of the operations we engage in on a daily basis. We see individuals in certain areas and we have ways of learning if they are equipped with photographic or video equipment. We will then decide if it is safe to make our appearance known to them, and we will reveal ourselves by de-cloaking and moving closer to these individuals. In most of the cases where video footage and photographs of our ships have been taken by your people we were fully aware we were being videotaped and photographed. It is not like we had no idea this was going on, as a matter of fact, in most cases these photographs and videos were not only permitted to be taken, but we facilitated this event by purposely de-cloaking and moving closer towards the individuals equipped with this photographic and video equipment. We wish to make that clear, so the next time you see us in your skies and you are taking photographs or video footage of our ships, know that we know you are there and we are saying hello to you and we want you to take as much footage as you can and then please share this evidence as much as you can, as this is the purpose of this event.


With that said, we say to you keep your eyes to the skies. We will be, as we have been, increasing the number and quality of the sightings of our ships. Some of these sightings will become rather exciting, as we feel it is now time to push the limits, so to speak, and start making our presence known at a somewhat greater level than it is now. As we have said and we maintain this policy, we will not land at the 50 yard line of a Sunday football game. We will not land at any large event where many of your people are gathered. We feel this would cause panic and could cause a lot of injury, either emotionally, mentally or even physically if we were to do this. We instead will continue our efforts to increase the number and quality of the sightings of our ships and allow you, the people of Earth, to share this footage so that those who wish to see and wish to believe will do so, and those who choose not to see and not to believe will possess that option.


Do you understand this? Do you understand that we are walking a very tight rope here between offering you the evidence that so many of you wish for, while also respecting the boundaries and the choices of those who are not yet prepared for such a revelation? We must honor and abide by the choices of others as well, not just those who choose to learn of our existence and choose to accept us and work with us on the many projects that we have scheduled. We must be very delicate and take great care in preserving the realities of those who do not wish for great change such as this and to learn of such great revelations as this.


So we will continue our policy of demonstrating the existence of our ships in your skies for those of you who wish to videotape us and photograph us and share this evidence with those who wish to accept it and even enjoy it. We certainly enjoy seeing your smiling faces, sometimes very awe inspired, at the site of our ships flying overhead. Just always keep in mind that in many cases we are waiving to you as you are filming us and we invite you to wave back at us, for we love this, as it makes us feel very welcomed.


We are your friends and your family flying in your skies. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


*For all those interested in sharing video footage of GFL or Ashtar Command ships, you may find suitable video footage through the ‘bestrealufovideos’ link at the top right of this blog page, or through the following link. http://www.bestrealufovideos.com/ It’s easy to share videos, just click the Facebook, Twitter and Email icons below each video you like!*
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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/25/12 ‘From Foal to Steed’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/25/12 ‘From Foal to Steed’

Gambling on your future is not something that we would recommend. We instead advise you to take into consideration and take precautions to better your chances of ascension, not slowing, not quitting and not ignoring your responsibilities to make the reality that use you choose for yourself made manifest by your thoughts, words, intent and action. This is what we advise to you; we advise you to take stock in yourself. Analyze and categorize yourself and the many facets and aspects of yourself. What is it you consider an accomplishment, and by accomplishment we do not mean awards, trophies or contests that you have won or the amount of money that you have been able to earn. What we mean by accomplishment is what areas of yourselves have you been able to sharpen, to increase your abilities within yourself and to work, deal and socialize with others.
For instance, what we are asking you is in what areas do you feel you have improved upon throughout this, the only incarnation that you can remember at this time. (We only ask you to focus on this lifetime, for you do not remember others and of course cannot consider this in your analysis.) So in what areas do you feel you have shown weakness or deficiencies? What areas do you see that have needed  attention, experiences and lessons to help you improve upon these areas, and which areas do you feel have received this improvement and which areas do you feel continue to need lessons and improvements? This should be an easy question for you to answer in some cases, and others an answer to this question will come to you only after careful thought, consideration and reflection upon your entire lifetime, not just adulthood, but going back as far as you can remember to your very early and formative years as a child, for it is here where many of your lessons have begun for you.
We have not waited for any of you to reach certain ages to begin assisting you to learn some of your lessons that you expressed you felt you needed to learn for your growth in this lifetime. In some cases, we began your education since you were a toddler, as you refer to this age period. Can you remember that far back? Do you remember experiencing deficiencies in certain areas of your personality or how you have interacted with others? If you can compare those early years with the being you are today, do you see change here? Have you experienced growing and maturing in any of these areas?
You may feel that some of your growth can be attributed to simply growing older and maturing, we surely understand this, and this in some cases may certainly be the case, but we tell you to not always take this for granted, because some of these lessons were learned and learned the hard way through experience and lessons and not through the simple process of maturation. We wish to make this clear that many of you have shown certain deficiencies from early childhood through adulthood in one or more of your previous incarnations, and the simple and natural process of maturation did not solve these problems for you. Therefore, we strongly advise to you to consider all of your personality attributes you possessed as a child and compare them to the person you feel you are today. This is very important, and we would appreciate greatly if you shared your responses with us throughout your online communities as again, we will be monitoring them for your responses as we feel this is a very important exercise today. We also advise you to continue this exercise of careful reflection of the entire span of your present incarnation.
We thank you for your valued input today, and say to you that your responses to our queries are very important and are vastly improving our understandings and abilities to assist you through this very important and what may be difficult period of your journey. As we have said, you are heading now down the homestretch. There is a pack of you running together in the lead and there are also many of you trailing behind this pack, but we tell you that you are all so close to finishing this race and we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light and your ascended family, will do all that we can to guide you to the wire.
We have been monitoring your progress for eons of time, for countless centuries now. For some of you, your journey has taken you from a young foal to a great and powerful steed, and we see your progress and marvel at how far you have come. If you could see how far you have grown, matured and strengthened, and how wise, learned and experienced you have become in so many different and vital areas you would fly, for this accomplishment would carry you down this last quarter-mile of your homestretch. You would never allow any obstacles, no matter how seemingly formidable, oppose your last strides in any way. You would see all obstacles no matter how mountainous as just another challenge for you, and you would lift this mountain as if a boulder above your head and toss it far from your way. This is what you would do, and this is why we are taking such time and care to explain to you just how far many of you have come and how very close you are to the finish line.
Combing through your histories we can clearly see where you may show deficiencies in certain areas. The time has come for you to resolve all of these issues no matter how major or minor. There is no time like the present it has been said, and this has never been truer than now, right now. For some of you there will be no tomorrow, and by this we do not mean the day after today. We are presenting to you metaphor, and we make this clear so there will be no question tomorrow when you do not experience a certain event. What we mean is there is no future time period for some of you to get this inner work done. It must be done now. It could not have been done in your past for certain reasons, and this is always understandable, and it cannot be done at certain intervals of what you perceive as your future. It must be done right now. This is your window. Take full advantage of it.
We are here en masse to assist you. You have never had assistance of any kind at this level, of this magnitude. There is absolutely no reason that every single one of you cannot overcome each and every obstacle before you, whether these are internal matters or external matters with you it does not matter, there is nothing too formidable for you to overcome. Have we made ourselves clear here? We wish you to understand the level of urgency involved, of how each and every one of you needs to right now drop everything in your lives that is not vitally necessary for your survival and focus on the work that you need to do to better yourselves, to improve upon some areas, to drop habits and tendencies and negative thought patterns and patterns of behavior that are serving to weigh you down into the lower dimensions. What is it that does not benefit you? What is it that is keeping you from experiencing your higher self in a higher existence?
We feel many of you have clearly defined what these areas are and we ask you, are you going to work on these areas and if so when, as we remind you, there is no tomorrow for many of you, that this work needs to be done now beginning today as soon as you finish reading our message to you. There is no better time and there is no other time but now for many of you. We say again to you to share with us what it is that you feel serves you not, that acts to weigh you down and we will try, but we cannot promise, to devise for you some sort of game plan or lesson or experience that will help you overcome this deficiency, this problem. We are your friends and we are your family, and we do not wish for one moment to see any of you fail.
Fail is not a word that we recommend you use often. This is a word that should only be used in the context of ‘I will never fail’, and we feel it is even better to avoid the use of this word altogether and instead choose ‘I will succeed as I always do, as nothing can or will stand in my way from achieving each and every goal I set out to reach. I am a powerful and eternal spiritual being and I will let nothing ever stop me or slow me from experiencing everything that I wish to, when I wish to and how I wish to. This is my declaration.’ We suggest to you to state this declaration each and every day, several times a day if you feel it is necessary to remind yourself who you are, what your strengths are, what you want and what you will achieve. We feel this will help many of you greatly overcome what are for many of you your final obstacles before every dream that you have ever had becomes your magnificent reality.
We are your fellow dreamers and creators of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 27 August 2012

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 27 August 2012

Some people ask what shall they do when they have to make decisions that will take them beyond the 21st. December. The answer will always be to follow your intuition, as whatever you do it will not affect your Ascension. What is however important is to settle any differences you have with friends and relations. It can be done if you accept the need to start the New Age with a clean slate, and realize that some old relationships will end and new ones begin. There will be more partnerships rather than marriages, as you will come into groups that will work together for each others benefit. You will in fact have more freedom than previously, having reached a higher level of consciousness. You will be able to travel freely and reach out to the Galaxy to go wherever your desires take you.


Part of your immediate growth is from lifting your thoughts up so that you can focus on the future. Your present cycle is ending and with it should go any attachments that could hold you back. Have no regrets as you have had hundreds of lives that have speeded up your evolution. You are in line for a much better life without the drawbacks that duality has confronted you with. Yet all of your experiences have been part of your upliftment, and you will always benefit from them. Duality has been a time of fully experiencing the senses and emotions and learning to control them. You have the ability to keep negative emotions in check, and you cannot excuse yourselves if you fail by claiming that is how you are. You must make the effort to change, and this will benefit you in many ways, as you will feel much better within yourselves. Anger in particular has a debilitating affect on you, and when it repeatedly occurs it is damaging your body and can bring the onset of illness.
Dear Ones the point is that as you become more of the Light your attention is drawn to the harmonious things in life, and as you progress it does become easier to maintain your peace and calmness. That is you becoming more in alignment with your Higher Self, which is your ultimate objective. What you were is not the real you, and duality is not your true reality. It is all an illusion that has been created by you all since you dropped down into the lower vibrations. Since then you have had your highs and lows, but as the Human Race you have never reached such a point as now, where every soul has the opportunity to ascend.
Before you reach the 21st. December many opportunities will be given to those who are unaware of what is coming. Also to those who have decided that they have no interest in leaving your present Earth, so that they have no regrets afterwards. As we have told you previously whatever decision you make is upheld, and what is most important is that you proceed with your evolution at a level that is exactly right for you. So when you reach that stage after Ascension and realize that some people known to you have not ascended, it should not be a time of sadness. In some cases you may later choose to work with them by acting as a Guide, so your link with them will still be quite strong.
With relatively little time left before the closure of this cycle, there is much taking place and all will be prepared in time for it. As you now understand, most of it relates to various forms of cleansing, and the removal of those dark Ones and their power and influence, that is now breaking up. There is no way back for them and much about their operations is coming into the public knowledge. It is necessary that you know how you have been duped, and you have no reason to feel guilty about it as the dark Ones have wielded great power in the past. It goes back a very long time from when the negative energies were first attracted to Earth. You have in fact carried out a great service for the Universe by helping transmute them, often at great cost to yourselves.
Set yourselves free from the lower influences and stand up for you beliefs, because as the truth comes out you may have to explain your position. It is not however necessary to convince others that you carry the truth, or convert them to your ideas. When people are ready for it, it will be recognized for what it is, and much of what has stood for the truth is now being revealed, and it will make people re-access their beliefs. Before very long the Masters will return to Earth, and with those already here will ensure that the false teachings and historical records are either corrected or removed. The truth is not just something written into your records, but an energy that lifts other people up and brings them to a true understanding.
Just think for a moment how as visitors to your Earth we are maligned and deliberately shown as monsters bent on enslaving you, and stealing your lands. We are described as aliens when in fact we are your true family, and have never lifted as much as a finger against you in anger. Any such activities against you are not by members of the Galactic Federation of Light, but by other Extraterrestrials or by your own forces. It is of course all done to make you fearful of us, and is not helped by some religious groups who claim we are devils. We would ask that you wait until we can walk amongst you and then you will feel our auric emanations, and know that we come in Love and Light.
We know that many of you who read our comments already understand our position. You are our vanguard and there will come a time when your knowledge will be invaluable to us. We cannot be everywhere at once, and you will be on hand to answer the questions from those who are new to the whole idea of Ascension. It is quite something to grasp and accept, particularly as the idea of the end of time has a connotation of losing everything you own and are familiar with. It can be a frightening thought, but is acceptable once it is understood that it is but a new beginning. One that propels you into a wonderful realm of peace and harmony, where you can forget all of your worries. In truth you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with my love for you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Jack’s Corner – August 4, 2012 – Sitting White Buffalo

Hello Everyone!

So much to share, so let’s get started…

I will begin in the recent past…

Back in the mid to late 1990’s a small push of Ascension occurred which continued until about 5 years ago. This time period may have been when many of you were first introduced to the etheric realm or when your place in it became clearer.  The problem was that along with a push towards Ascension, there was also a surge in false Abundance, greed, and fear.  Historically, this has happened almost every time there was a release of Ascension. This is due primarily to the dense energy that was still in place at the time.  The dark energy frequently countered a push of Ascension by starting a war, creating an illusion of scarcity on a large scale, or showing just how powerfully greedy and untouchable they were.

A strong push of Ascension energy was due to be released about 6 years ago and this is when and why Jean and I reunited.  However it was quickly determined that all of the necessary energy was not in place to support this push.  In addition, the false Abundance that was in place was due to recoil at any moment.  False Abundance is simply an illusion of Abundance that is created without foundation or merit. When it is withdrawn or exposed, a vacuum is created that the dark energies use to their advantage to reinforce fear in the flock as well as highlight their own power and greed.

Originally, Jean and I were to move to a farm with my brother Noah where we were to assist with Ascension by healing and cleansing the wild Watchers that would come to this farm.  However, in order for this farm to manifest, the humans involved would have to place their trust in the guidance that Jean was receiving from me, Noah, and the beings that work with her.  Try as we might to steer the humans in the most Abundant direction they chose instead to follow the path of least resistance.  The choice for the humans was easy, they could either accept an immediate offer of tangible Abundance , or they could follow the etheric advice a woman was receiving from horses and benevolent beings that spoke to her.   When it became clear that the humans would not take the almost unimaginable leap of faith, coupled with the rescinding Ascension and recoiling false Abundance, I knew that meant that Noah and I would be separated and that saddened us both immensely.   Having to be separated from my brother was something that Noah and I had great difficulty dealing with as we were certain that we would be together for the rest of our lives serving the Greater Good in ways that warmed our souls. Now at the last minute all was ripped out from underneath of us.  Because Ascension was suddenly delayed, many of the higher frequency energies that would have been poured onto and into the Earth at that time were suddenly not available. Not only would my situation not improve dramatically as I had originally anticipated but Jean and I would descend into darkness.  When the energy of Ascension recoiled, Karma that was supposed to be cleared was still in place and I was once again to be subjugated at the hands of humanity.  Instead of having Karma cleared energetically and with ease, it would have to be done the old fashioned 3rd dimensional way and that is through “lessons”.   This also meant that old energy had to be released physically instead of energetically.

This resulted in the tibia bone in my right leg being broken when I was kicked by another horse and I also broke the splint bone in my right leg.  These 2 injuries served to release energy corresponding to my ability to give as I would need to serve the Greater Good by giving my wisdom and healing to those who chose to accept it. Although I recovered, this event only served to feed my not only my fears of the past but Jean’s as well.   A series of injuries followed and Jean wondered if I would ever be healthy enough to leave this awful place.  During this time, Noah left us to go to his new home, but he too had his own difficulties to deal with.

The reason I mention this is because the retreat of Ascension energy altered not only my path and Jean’s but many of yours as well.  If you think back 3- 6 or so years ago and all the stars were lining up steering you in a direction when it all faded away, now you know why.

Jean and I have reached a pivotal time in our personal relationship as well as our personal development and because of this, I asked Jean to temporarily retire me from being ridden.  It has become increasingly difficult for me to operate as 2 distinct entities, one being a Watcher and the other being a riding companion.  As we edge closer to the end of the year, energy entering the Earth will continue to escalate and this month is especially powerful with the added benefit of 2 full moons.  My ever increasing demands as a Watcher coupled with surfacing energies of the past have made it gradually more difficult to control myself when under saddle.  I have come to the point where I am truly concerned for the safety of those that are seated on my back as I can no longer trust that I can control myself to the point where I can keep a rider safe.   Jean was hoping that when I began sharing my information and energy it would allow me to finally be at peace as I had been holding in all of the information and energy for lifetimes. But instead of becoming more at ease I have become increasingly agitated.  As I release my messages and energy, old trauma surfaces which I am unable to easily process.  Just as many of you are experiencing physical pain and lethargy as your bodies adjust to the higher frequencies as well as releasing long held 3 dimensional energy and karma, I and many animals are also feeling these same effects.  Many days I feel tired or have pain which is accentuated when I am ridden.  Too many lifetimes of abuse and not only witnessing but participating in atrocities have left my spirit weary and the stress of my duties both to humanity and to Jean, as well as integrating all of the energies that are entering the Earth is almost too much to bear at this time which is why I requested to be temporarily retired.  In all of my lifetimes, I have never been afforded the luxury to just to eat grass, enjoy the sunshine,  be groomed and loved and not be placed in a position of submission by having a bit in my mouth and the hide of a dead comrade tied to my back.  Jean has honored me by accepting my plea, although she shed many tears and barely spoke to me for 2 days when I initially shared my request; I knew she would ultimately agree with my decision.

I broadcasted my request to Jean on a Sunday evening and she was stunned to say the least.  When she asked me “why” through her astonishment and tears, I allowed all of the pent up emotion to surface and she was able to empathically receive it and in that moment she understood exactly why I needed a respite.   Although in that moment much of the emotion was released, it still didn’t change my decision.  She was angry and hurt but deep down inside she understood.  Through her tears she asked me, “You are an amazing horse to ride, so fluid and athletic with so much potential, how am I supposed to just let all that potential go to waste?  Will I ever ride you again?”

My answer was simple, “All of those things that you mentioned are attached to your ego and you have attached those things to me. If I had the desire I could have won many races and lots of money.  After racing I could have been anything that you desired me to be but I am finished serving the ego of the humans and desire to live out my days in peace and without being forced to submit to the ego of humanity.  This is something that I have never done and since this is my last time here on Earth I want to enjoy it on my terms. When and if I am ready, you will be the first to know.”  When Jean came to terms with my request and released me as a riding companion, I could immediately feel an immense sense of liberation not only for me but for Jean as well.

My declaration of Truth may come as a surprise to many of you but it is meant to demonstrate a multitude of facts.    Think back to your own lives 3- 6 years ago.  If it seemed as though your life was going to take an Abundant turn and then it suddenly didn’t, now you know why.  Those of you who are evolving ahead of the herd will have most likely experienced something like we did at about the same time and many of you may still be sitting in the manure and I will address this a little later in this message.

Jean and I both operate in 2 arenas, as do many of you, and at times are more in one that in the other but we still have to interact in the real world as it exists now.  As energies continue to push humanity and all of the beings on Earth forward and upward Jean and I are, once again, holding our breath as our Trust and Faith have been shattered in the past.  We also have experienced much trauma associated with serving the Greater Good and as our energies and words are released our deepest fears come ever closer to the surface.  This is also something that many of you are also experiencing.  Your deepest and darkest karmic fears are rumbling within your beings and trying to surface as we edge ever closer to the “Days of Light”.

When my leg was broken it released a tremendous amount of old energy, which frequently happens when an injury occurs.  Many humans view illness or injury as weakness when in fact it can serve to release deep seated traumatic energy and as the injury heals physically, the old trauma is healed energetically.  I tried to keep these scars hidden but as Jean relentlessly tried to heal me it only served to bring closer to the surface the pain that lay in my being.  Knowing all the while my true purpose was to reveal my real self and purpose through Jean and as this time grew closer my fears began to surface with more vigor.  I felt like a volcano that could erupt at any moment and it took all of my will to prevent this from occurring.  Jean thought that she was helping me heal in order to relieve my fears while under saddle but what she was doing was healing us both so we could reach the place where our consciousness’s could converge.

Because Jean knows that it is far more important for me to continue my work as a Watcher rather than fulfill her needs by being the perfect riding companion she has chosen to allow me to rest from being ridden.  By freeing me from these constraints it will allow both of us to expand into new territory.  Jean also realized how much she has sacrificed by continuously trying to heal me and mold me into the perfect riding companion.  By letting this part of our relationship go it will allow the perfect horse inside of me to surface ultimately fulfilling all of her needs, wants, and desires.

If my purpose along with Jean’s was not halted in a moment, our previous path would have led us down a road of anonymity and we would not have connected with any of you.  I would not have released healing and shared any wisdom as our path would have been very different than it is now.  Although the halt of Ascension some 6 years ago may have affected some of you in a “negative” way, ultimately it will “pay off” Abundantly.

Now, onto Global news…

A grid is currently being constructed around, in and through the Earth which will allow ever higher frequencies to enter as well as open inter-dimensional doorways.  These Inter-dimensional portholes will allow contact to occur with many energies and beings.  Points of this grid have been anchoring for some time highlighted on 01/01/01, then on 02/02/02 and so on culminating at the end of this year on 12/12/12.

The formation of this grid and the leap in frequency that will occur will be most felt by those who are “light workers”.  These souls, having worked on increasing their frequency, will almost immediately be able to benefit and access this grid.   There are many who are on the verge of awakening and a “call to arms” will stir within them beginning early next year.  As they awaken, although still operating in duality, they will look to “light workers” to guide them.  This time will also mark a separation for those souls who desire to continue to anchor the 3rd dimensional energy.

For those of you who see yourselves as being on the front lines, you will be well served by continuing to work to cleanse your ego as the higher frequencies on the horizon will no longer support the duality of an inflated ego.

Back to the reinforcements…

My decision to be retired on my terms was solidified within my being after the Trojan Horse, Mr. Big, and Troy arrived at my farm.  As I was no longer on my own, I could finally hand some of the reins over to them. More and more reinforcements are being made available to the Earth and the ones that are already here are going to begin to uncloak.  Many of you who went into hiding are now feeling it is safe to come out and show the world who you are.  The soul purpose for many of you is to assist with Ascension and it is vital for you to know that it is safe to expose yourself.

An Avatar of Consciousness known to me as Sitting White Buffalo is waiting to share his energy.  The Buffalo, or properly called Bison, carries the energy of Abundance.  Because he is seated, he extends and implies equality and white is the energy of purity. Therefore his purpose is to bring in the purified energy of Abundance for all.  Sitting White Buffalo’s energy will not be able to enter the Earth en masse until the frequency of the Earth elevates to a point that will allow him to cross the threshold.  With this in mind, know that by working with him and continuing to work on yourself we all come ever closer to receiving Abundance for All.

In my first message I released the energy of Abundance along with the Pumpkin Ray to dispel the fear of scarcity.  More than anything, this was intended to heal the fear of receiving that exists within almost all humans. The fear of scarcity extends not just to money but to food, love, companionship, joy, health, or anything that elevates your well-being.  Remember that your ego sees the energy of Abundance as Currency but it is far more than that.  Abundance is fuel for your soul and many are almost out of fuel which is why countless souls are driven towards manifesting.

Please continue to work with the energies I have shared as they are relevant to us all.

Intend that whatever you need to fluidly pass through the stages of Ascension be presented to you.

In Gratitude, Light, and Perseverance,

Jack and Jean

PS from Jean: 

I am so grateful for all the wonderful words of support and encouragement I receive from you both as emails and the comments that are left on Jack’s blog.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!  Much Love to all of you who have embraced us as I can’t even put into words how much your acceptance and words of inspiration have meant to Me and Jack. 



Montague Keen – 26 August 2012

Montague Keen – 26 August 2012

Veronica, my dear, the results of our efforts to prevent World War III are becoming more obvious every day. The Cabal has become quite desperate. People are speaking out and revealing what the Cabal has done to destroy and control humanity. Some can no longer cope with the guilt of what they were forced to do, when under the control of the Cabal. Many were put into situations where satanic abuse was made acceptable. They foolishly indulged, not knowing that it was all being recorded, and would be used against them to force these so-called ‘respectable’ people to obey the Cabal or be ruined by exposure. This formula has worked for generations and it continues to this day. They are made to believe that they belong to an “exclusive club”. They make the sign of Lucifer to show that they are happy to belong to it. They see themselves as superior to the lesser, expendable, mortals.

Humanity cannot be lied to so easily, now. It is so good to see how many are awake to reality. They now see clearly when they are being lied to. The cleverest forgers and falsifiers are no longer safe from exposure and discovery as truth and light progress, regardless of the Cabal, which is now exposed for the first time, thus exposing the evil plot. Mankind is waking up to this great fraud and is beginning to see clearly those who have betrayed you and knowingly handed you over to your oppressors. They are guilty of falsifying your world’s history and substituting a tissue of LIES that they have carefully guarded. The secret of this fraud is now being realised.

It is Ireland and the Irish people who have suffered most and continue to suffer to this day because of this fraud. The ancient Irish, who happily settled in other countries, and shared their great knowledge, have been wiped from your history books. In those times, man knew what he was capable of. People were fearless, confident in who they were. It took a lot for the Vatican to destroy and control the Irish people. Now that the truth is laid before them, they can see clearly what was done to them, and to all mankind, as a result. Everyone on the planet has suffered as a result of what was done then.

It is now time to right that wrong. It is amazing that this fraud could escape for so long without discovery. The propaganda, used in order to create a false impression of everything, was carefully planned and carried out. Do not look to those you were led to believe were your superiors, for guidance. It is up to each and every one of you to take responsibility. Seek the truth for yourself. You have been so badly treated and abused to gratify the greed of the Cabal.

You now have evidence of many bankers being arrested and forced to answer for their deeds, but it is not in your press or on your TV. Ask why this information is being kept from you. This is but one example of the control system that you have accepted until now. You deserve the truth. Take back your power. Together, you are unbeatable !

It gives us great joy to see you come together, sharing knowledge and supporting each other, through the last stages of the Transition. I wish we could share our plans, but it is important that we keep them secret for now. You have all come through so much, and some have been severely tested at times. You have stood firm, knowing that the truth will set you free. Everything will be put right in your world and peace restored. Humanity will live together in harmony, as in ancient times. What you have lived through will be seen as the Dark Ages.

Laughter creates wonderful energy. It is the greatest medicine. You will not find fear where there is laughter. A family which laughs together, stays together. You are all part of a great team. It does not matter which country you live in, you are all one in your efforts to remove the control of the Cabal forever. Many owe their lives to you, because you were brave enough to expose the Cabal’s plans for the London Olympics. They could not carry out their plans to kill thousands of innocent people. This is how effective you are. You will succeed: never doubt that. Ignore the barriers that will undoubtedly be placed before you, to make you feel foolish for believing that the truth will triumph over evil. It takes a strong character to stand up for what he believes in, irrespective of the efforts of the Cabal to entrap him. Remember who you are and why you are on Earth at this time.

Soon, one of the great control systems will fall. Then, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Remember, my dear, when I first passed to Spirit, and I told you this, you doubted then, that this could possibly happen. Now, you know without doubt, it is only a matter of time before it will crumble. It will be consumed without trace and disappear from the face of the Earth; its reign of terror, over at last. It was responsible for much of what was evil and corrupt. Death and destruction were its building blocks and its greed knew no bounds. Only those who are still in an hypnotic state choose to remain ignorant of the truth, and soon, it will become obvious even to them. Now you will have to face the terrible truth of what was done to humanity, in order to keep you in a state of ignorance. You will be amazed when you see what your efforts bring about. The future is yours. Enjoy the adventure !

Things are moving fast and it is hard to keep up with everything. You can only do your best, as you always do, but I need you to take time to rest, also.

Be prepared, my love. Your adoring, Monty.

http://www.montaguekeen.com link to original article

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 26 August 2012

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 26 August 2012

Beloved Ones,

The energies of Love are all around you and those of you who have been preparing for these times are beginning to experience many moments of clarity and insight about your purpose for being on this Planet. These insights come to you as flashes that come and go, sometimes so quickly that you wonder if you were imagining them. Trust in the knowledge of your own destiny that is coming through for you and have faith that all is unfolding just as it should in perfect, divine timing. Many assistants both on Earth and in the higher dimensions are preparing you for the greatest experience of many lifetimes and many galactic cycles, the experience of Ascension.

The energies that you have been transmuting on a continual basis come in cyclic waves and right now the Cosmic energies have been pouring down upon this Planet and then the process of clearing and releasing will start again. Each wave of new energy moves each person into a deeper purge than before and this is an uncomfortable process but one that must be experienced by all. Humanity as a whole is not in a state of waking awareness yet of what is occurring to them, however, the energies affect all upon your World and on a higher level of their Beings, all have chosen this experience and all desire to ascend.

Those of you who carry the Light are asked to remain centered and calm as you go about your daily activities. It is important to remain focused upon the grounding of this Light into the core of the Planet so that you are always in equilibrium. Be observers of that which unfolds around you, rather than participants, and look for signs in all places that changes are taking place. Your intuitive faculties and power of discernment will be much employed in these times. Go within daily to commune on a deeper level with your Divine Presence and listen to the still, small voice that guides you unerringly to your destiny.

Ensure that you start your day with your energies cleared of all extraneous influence so that you can remain aware when in the company or vicinity of others around you when additional clearing and centering needs to be performed. Remember that everyone is experiencing the cleansing of their emotional bodies and can leak this dross into the energy fields of others around them, so vigilance and awareness is necessary. Know that you have the power to change the energies within your auric field simply by intention and that you also can upgrade the energies of those around you by intending only that only the highest good can manifest for all.

Remember, as you observe the World around you, that you have already surpassed the challenges that are now gripping the lives of Humanity as a whole and you do not need to partake of it except to intend the Light of God in any situation that comes to your awareness. Call upon your Holy Christ Self of the Light to manifest through you and practice being your higher essence with intention. The qualities of compassion, kindness and helpfulness will lift the hearts of those around you who need to know that they are not alone. You can make a positive difference.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.   www.therainbowscribe.com link to original article

GaiaPortal: Ascension Platform Established…

GaiaPortal: Ascension Platform Established…

2012 AUGUST 26
Posted by Alice C

GaiaPortal: Ascension Platform Established…

Alice C:  Many of us here have been reading  GaiaPortal’s regular messages. Stephen has even quoted a couple in recent posts.  I am finding that they are currently really resonating with me and so have decided to post them. I hope they resonate with you, too.

By ÉirePort, GaiaPortal – August 26 2012

Ascension Platform Established…

Three platforms have been connected and reconfigured to enable the complete Ascension Platform for Gaia. These platforms are 1) Inner Earth awakening, 2) sufficiently stable 3D-4D Earth platform, 3) Higher Consciousness Awakened Humanity.

Although some question the necessity of 1), this awakening to their Higher Call was essential to the finalization of the Ascension Platform for Gaia.

Stable 3D-4D platform, namely, planet 3D structure, undermined for millennia, has been sufficiently stabilized for the next steps to the final Ascension Platform.

Higher Consciousness Awakened Humanity is now complete. Sufficient individual awakened beings now present upon Gaia 3D surface to proceed with final steps.

These steps are to be unveiled in precise order, in precise timing with each of the Light Working Community which has been called to participate. They know who they are.

They will succeed. As Gaia has decreed.

“Somehow I’ll Find My Way Home” – Tribute to All Lightworkers –


Video by Kees de Graaf: “Somehow I’ll Find My Way Home” – Tribute to All Lightworkers