When the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world…she became a butterfly!

Archive for the ‘Disclosure’ Category

I Know My Galactic Family Is Here…Do YOU????

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 8 August 2012

Sheldan Nidle – Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation – 8 August 2012

8 Kan, 12 Pop, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Much is involved in the final aspects of the great sundering that is to bring down the dark power structure. At present, you are witnessing the final days of the power struggle which is reaching its definitive denouement. The cabalists are using their ability to foment chaos in an attempt to escape the noose we have thrown around them, but their convoluted schemes will not be successful this time. We have made allowances for their finagling ways and are anticipating anything they can come up with. Over the eons, war has been the cabal’s instrument of choice for manipulating you and wriggling out of inconvenient situations, and it is using this tried-and-true device today in the Middle East and in South Asia. While deadly efficient, this ‘tool’ will not result in their escape as our control over Earth events is too strong to be thwarted by such low-level shenanigans. Do not be concerned by what the cabalists are planning. Their anything-goes attempts to go out with a bang will backfire on them, providing the means to liberate this vital region of the world. The coming transformation is utterly under the aegis of divine fate!

We watch, and prepare to institute our plans. We dearly wish to get the divine Light show on the road. As the shackles long binding you to the dark fall away, a new energy is born which is to bring you peace, prosperity, and global harmony. The dark ones and their fervent adherents deeply believe that what they are plotting will lead to a new situation which will prevent their downfall. It is not only to fail utterly but will expose the depth and breadth of the duplicities which subtly rule your world. This interlocking set of directorates is to be clearly seen for the cold-blooded oligarchy it truly is. It will be a salutary education for you all, and will serve you well during the events which will shortly lead to their arrest and isolation from you. A deadly trap is being set, with the aim of separating, definitively, friend from foe. It is vital to discover who truly intends to be part of the solution, and who is determined to remain part of the problem. This approach causes us much distress. Nevertheless, from the standpoint of the bigger picture it is essential, and is to be achieved shortly.

Our work here has consistently been geared toward a first contact with you, and we have never wavered from this course. The aim of moving you into full consciousness lies behind all that we are involved in, and to this end, our many teams monitor and visit you each day. The dark cabal understands our total commitment to this sacred mission, and is aware that we are moving more and more of our fleet closer to you. We have also increased the number of on-planet personnel living and working among you. In this regard we have warned the dark that any tampering with our planet-based personnel will have dire consequences. Already, several attempts against our missionaries resulted in ‘events’ that scared off these agents of ignominy! We are ever diligent in ensuring that our surface mission proceeds as it should, and these recent defensive countermeasures have taught us much about how these agents operate. For now the dark is careful to avoid us. Currently, we are expanding this network on your planet surface.

Disclosure is moving forward. Our Earth allies are busy preparing for the ouster of the many de facto Earth governments. A broad web of infamy encircles your globe, and the unholy policies perpetrated each day by these ‘legitimate’ governments cry out to be terminated. This ‘legitimacy’ is contingent upon control by various forms of chaos, and by stoking the levels of social and religious schism. This sorry rigmarole will be put to flight once the Light rightfully disposes of these barely legal governments. Our role in these events is to support and reinforce whatever actions are formally promulgated. Our personnel on the ground have been providing detailed information on how different regions react to what the dark is doing. The dark are throwing up ways to discourage civil resistance and our Earth allies are busy countering these moves. Freedom and liberty have long come at a price on your world, and now it is time to sweep away these stifling conditions and bring in joy and growth and exuberance.

Namaste! We come, blessed Ones! Your transitioning world appears to be in a lull, and it seems to you as if nothing is happening. But nothing could be further from the truth. Everywhere, the old constructs are crashing to the ground, with one fiscal crisis following another. As we mentioned, we have put into play the new financial system, and it sits quietly in the wings, unheeded by the crumbling edifice that is about to fall with an almighty roar. The de facto governments appointed by by this dying colossus are aware that their end has come and are awaiting their fall from grace. The new is to be in formal ascendance very shortly, bringing with it prosperity, freedom, and most vital for us, disclosure. Also, Mother Earth deeply needs to be attended to, and this necessitates our Inner Earth and space families to join with us to announce a new reality and proclaim to all on the surface world the death of the restrictive, old reality.

The death throes of the dark cabal will be painted in drab shades, symbolizing the world of limitation, war, and fiscal tyranny which has shaped the last 13 millennia of your existence. These dark concepts ravaged your home world, partitioned you from Inner Earth, and foisted you off with the fiction that you are alone in an empty void. These fabrications are to end, and a new world of divine brilliance is to replace the bleakness and stress of the present. We are truly in joy, for soon we will be able to tell you of the great truths and start to unravel for you the many lies told to you over the millennia. This will set you free and prepare you for the transition to full consciousness. You may experience some degree of consternation, or feel distrust toward those dark ones who so callously misled you; yet we ask you to forgive, let the past go, and jointly move forward. With full consciousness comes a wisdom which is to supersede the horrors that you know.

Your new realm will be wondrously glorious. The amazing relationships between Heaven and Earth will be disclosed to you, and this knowledge confers wisdom you can now barely guess at. On your new Earth you can experience it fully and feel the euphoric unity of all life. You are to begin a journey which will permit you to reach your potential and discover your boundless creativity as you seek to maximize the unfolding of the Creator’s divine plan. Together we will go forward, with us as your ever-Loving mentors and teachers in the ways of the divine. We are truly elated that this moment is at last upon us: the time selected by Heaven is here! The final touches are being made to the sacred ceremony which unlocks all of this and brings in the vast changes to the only world you have know until now. Already this transformation is starting to manifest. Be in your center and in your truth, and be ready. And have no doubts about all that the Creator is about to unfold!

Today, we continued with our messages to you. A supreme shift in this reality is upon us! With it come disclosure and the time to finally meet all of us who so devotedly champion your return to full consciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

http://www.paoweb.com link to original article

Can we have more information on our Inner Earth Family?

Folks, I whole-heartedly agree with Agnes below…during my meditation last evening this is  an issue that I dearly feel we need more of…~Carole

Our Future After Ascension – by Steve Beckow – 10 April 2012

by 007blueray

Namaste Family,

I’m reposting this because I’m very, very inspired to do so.

One of my personal favorite subject is about Inner Earth. I long to connect with them and I feel that working with them will be a very creative and loving experience to our most treasured and unique soul experience on Planet Earth. They have been ‘hiding’ from us for a long time now and it’s time for us to be reunited.

Although I’ve read about Inner Earth and past expeditions to Inner Earth, Sheldan Nidle has been the only channel, who is keeping us updated about the Agarthans. I wish that we (more so myself) will hear more messages from our Inner Earth Families and Friends.

I wish to work with the Agarthans too (that’s my personal wish to experience), not just with the GFoL. I can envision (with my whole being), know that Planet Earth(as a Star Being) is one of the most treasured world to work side by side with, along with our Galactic Families, allies, friends etc. We already have a place amongst the Councils and that we are the gateway and the center for all future gatherings/meetings at this corner of our Universe.

We are so very, very much more than our 3D energy and I feel that we are currently moving much ‘too slow’ ….. but that’s just my perception. I’m sure that there are others who are feeling that way too. Now is the time to dream BIG … carry on doing it. We are already at the door step and so it is.



Our Future After Ascension

2012 April 10
Posted by Steve Beckow

The Galactic Federation, SaLuSa tells us, “are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by rightfully reclaiming your place with us.” (1) The entire Company of Heaven, according to Archangel Michael, “celebrate that Earth is no longer an ‘infant’ in the keeping of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians. Now, the Earth is a fully mature and independent Star Being, representing the energy of Solaris in the Golden Rose Galaxy.” (2)

Sheldan Nidle explains what “Solaris” consists of. “Earth-Venus-Mars-Pax will form the nucleus of waterworlds within our future Solaris Star Nation…..and what is to be an [honorable] Galactic Federation of Light member star nation.” (3)

After Ascension, “you will be Beings with a level of superconsciousness, and quite different to what you are now.” (4) Ker-on goes further and says we will “become godlike in your powers and join all other ascended Beings. No more shall you be at the mercy of the dark powers, as they cannot enter the higher dimensions with their lower vibrations.” (5)

SaLuSa discusses the changes that will lead us to Ascension. When we see the galactics we are looking at our future, which will cause our yearning to return to Source to grow.

“As part of your growth in readiness for Ascension, your DNA strands are being restored and in time you will become a fully-fledged Cosmic Being. We are what you are to be, and when you attain our levels you will be able to rejoin your Space families. You have been away from your true homes for a long, long time, and with your awareness of us your yearning to return is growing.” (6)
The levels of consciousness we return to are levels that we once possessed, SaLuSa adds.

“In some ways it will not be so strange, as you are returning to levels that were once quite familiar to you. You are going to be great Beings once again, with tremendous powers of creation and many will serve in our fleets for the needs of others. You will be one of us, and a fully-fledged Space Being with all of the attributes you see in us.” (7)

Only those who achieve full consciousness can join the Galactic Federation.

“Membership [in the Galactic Federation] is only open to those who have achieved full consciousness. There is a place already for you with us, as we see that once you achieve Ascension you will have acquired the level of consciousness necessary to join us.” (8)

“The Galactic Federation comprises members that have already ascended and serve in the Light. There will come a day you shall rightly stand next to us as One in the Light.” (9)

After that, we can join the galactic fleets.

“Many options are open to you after Ascension, and many will join the Galactic Fleets. For some it will be where you will meet your true family, as most members stay on board the Motherships for hundreds of years and it becomes their natural home. In some sections of them there is little to show that you are on a Space Craft, and everything is created for you to feel at home.

“It is not like military service, but more relaxing and designed for maximum comfort and happiness. ” (10)

“On your onward journey all manner of experiences will be yours, as you traverse the Universe and explore it seeking other life forms.” (11)

Atmos of Sirius describes the GF as “inter-dimensional travellers. Distance presents no problem to us. When you are of a higher consciousness and have dropped your warlike ways, you too will be permitted to travel outside of your solar system.” (12)

The universe we travel, SaLuSa say, is teeming with life and never ending.

“All is orderly and runs in perfect synchronisation as the different cycles are played out. Your one is relatively short compared to those of galactic proportions, and they all move within each other in the great scheme of the Creator. It is something that is difficult to comprehend, but it will become clearer as you lift up your vibrations.

“You are faced with a Universe that is full of life, millions of planets and suns, and dimensions that seem never ending. You can then contemplate parallel Universes and even an Omniverse, which is probably too much to take in. However, it gives you a measure of how enormous the heavens are, and how the hand of the Creator is in everything you see.” (13)

We’ll be sought out by other civilizations eager to draw on our experience, SaLuSa says.

“In the future other civilizations will call upon you to help them with their own experiences. What you know from first-hand experience is invaluable, and you will be sought after for that reason. That is how all progress by sharing and helping each other, as all are on the same journey back to the Source from whence all life originated.

“So from experiencing the depths of separation you are going to move into Oneness with all other ascended life forms. It is for example going from individualism where the emphasis was on Self, to Oneness where all serve each other.” (14)

Far into the future, Ag-Agria of Sirius tells us, we’ll sit on the high councils that plan Ascensions and administer the Divine Plan.

“One day many of you shall be seated on the Councils that preside over the Universe, and in your greatness serve God directly. However, that is a long way off but indicates your unlimited potential to rise to the highest levels.” (15)

Ascension is a great leap forward in evolution, SaLuSa reveals.

“From a Human to a Galactic Being is quite a big jump in your evolution, and in every way it brings you a superior way of life. The drudgery and lack of free expression to follow your desires will no longer exist, and you will be as free as a bird to live happily and fulfilled.

“Yes, Dear Ones, there is a lot to tell you about, but we try not to overwhelm you with the details too quickly. Sufficient to say that instead of being earthbound you will be Space Beings, free to experience all of its wonders and myriad of life forms.” (16)

Yet even Ascension, he says, “is simply the commencement of another journey that will open up the Cosmos to you.” (17) Matthew Ward explains:

“The arrival of the popularized date of December 21, 2012, does not mean that Earth humankind will have entered an era of complacent stability. The only constant in the universe is change! Not only will marvelous developments continue in all areas of your world, but spiritually and intellectually, you will continue to grow through innumerable physical lifetimes, some in worlds where life will exceed even the glories of Earth’s Golden Age.” (18)

“Not all the glories of that Age will be heaped on its threshold. Everything based in darkness will be gone, but as you and your planet keep journeying, you will keep discovering wondrous ‘new’ knowledge and capabilities. ‘New’ is in quotation marks because your souls have all knowledge and capabilities, you just need to get in touch with them consciously – and you shall!” (19)

Ever after we’ll continue to evolve, SaLuSa tells us.

“As time progresses you will change from one of limited knowledge to a Galactic Being of full consciousness. Then you will be the Master that you really are, and release your full potential. There will be little or no comparison to the Being you are now of limited consciousness.

“After thousands of years slowly finding your way back through enlightenment, you are about to launch yourselves on a journey of immense meaning and opportunity. It is as though you have only just left the kindergarten, and are seeing for the first time the world outside.

“There are wonders and amazing experiences awaiting you, and once you learn more about them we know that you will never look back at this time. Your experiences in duality will have proved beneficial, and you will never need to walk that path again.” (20)

The longing for liberation, (21) which Ker-on of Venus calls “a compulsive drive towards obtaining knowledge about everything within the great Cosmos,” will drive us on to seek the Source. (22) The journey will not end until we merge with the Source again, SaLuSa says.

“Your quest for knowledge and the truth can never really be satisfied until you reach the ultimate – The Source of All That Is. However, you will have innumerable experiences before you ever reach that point. You have yet to understand the concept of a never-ending creation. You will never run out of new challenges in the Multi Universes and dimensions that seem to go on for all infinity.” (23)

Thus Ascension will see us claiming our rightful place in the councils of the Galactic Federation and regaining levels of consciousness that were formerly ours. Only those who achieve full consciousness and become godlike in their powers can join the GF. We’ll join the galactic fleets and explore a universe teeming with life and consciousness. We’ll be sought out for our experience, and eventually sit on the higher councils that plan Ascensions. Ascension is a great leap forward in the evolution of consciousness. The longing for liberation will continue leading us on until it brings us back to the Source.


(1) SaLuSa, March 26, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) Archangel Michael, “The Multidimensional New Earth Takes Shape,” through Celia Fenn, March 2012, http://www.starchildglobal.com/.

(3) Sheldan Nidle, Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Fderation athttp://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/solaris-star-nation#ixzz1rbr9AQGs

(4) SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.

(5) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(6) SaLuSa, March 27, 2009.

(7) SaLuSa, May 5, 2010.

(8) SaLuSa, May 4, 2009.

(9) SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009.

(10) SaLuSa, Feb. 15, 2012.

(11) SaLuSa, March 26, 2010.

(12) Atmos, May 18, 2009 , at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(13) SaLuSa, May 20, 2009.

(14) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.

(15) Ag-agria, March 25, 2009, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(16) SaLuSa, Jan. 20, 2010.

(17) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.

(18) Matthew Ward, Sept. 21, 2009, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(19) Matthew’ s Message, Aug. 11, 2011.

(20) SaLuSa, May 24, 2010.

(21) See The Longing for Liberation

(22) Ker-On of Venus, Sept. 8, 2008, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(23) SaLuSa, Feb. 23, 2009.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/5/12 ‘Future Possibility & Opportunity’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/5/12 ‘Future Possibility & Opportunity’
All your life you have waited for this magic moment to come true for you, to become your blessed reality, to bear the fruit of the tree that you planted a long time ago and have watered and nurtured for lifetimes. That tree is fully grown now for many of you and it is time to pick the fruit and take your first bite of the sweet nectar of your new and completely free and unlimited experience. This time is now coming quickly upon many of you, and we say to you keep doing what it is you are doing. Do not fall back now on old patterns, habits or tendencies and your destructive natures that some of you have demonstrated at certain intervals of your past history. Now is not the time to indulge in such frailties, learning from these experiences and testing the boundaries of your experience. Now is the time to apply yourselves as fully and as consciously as you possibly can. Now is the time to go full speed into all your future possibilities, not looking back but releasing all that was, as all was a training ground for you, full of lessons and experiences to prepare you for what it is that now awaits you and beckons you with your call, the call of your name.
Do you hear your name being called? If you hear your name being called say “I hear my name being called now and I am responding to this call. I am following this call. I am following the sound of my name being called and I will follow this sound until it delivers me to where it is I wish to be, which is not here, but somewhere else.” This is what we would like to hear from those of you who wish for a new reality, a new start, a new life filled with new treasures, rewards, goals, challenges, excitement, adventure and experiences to learn even greater lessons than the lessons you have learned up to this amazing and wonderful point.
Today we would like to speak with you about how it will be for you once you step out of your current confines of your quite limited reality and into an unlimited arena for you to showcase all the skills, talents and wisdom you have learned. It will be as if you have won the lottery, struck the jackpot and rang the bell at the carnival. It will be as if you are the Olympic gold medal champion, standing on the podium as they play the national anthem of your country. Does this excite you and entice you? Is this what interests you more than anything else that you may have in the past spent your time, focus and energy upon? If it is, then you can have this. This is your gift, this is your reward, this is your trophy and it is time to present it to you.
We, the Galactic Federation of Light, are here, we are not arriving, we wish to always make that as clear as possible to you. We are not traveling here from any place in the universe as we have already traveled here a relatively long time ago. We are already here. We are here so very close to you that it will only take a little more pushing, a little more effort, a little more persistence, a little more determination for you to see us, for you to discover us, for you to join us. Do you understand this? Do you understand that it is not we and it is not you that are traveling anywhere, but there is something else that will enable our reunion together? You know what this is by now; we do not have to explain this to you. Tell us yourselves what it is that will begin this blessed reunion of our families. We would like to see you answer this question yourselves beneath our message today.
We will, as we do every day, follow your comments underneath our message all throughout your Internet with great interest. We love to read your comments as we are greatly interested in what you think about us, about our reunion and about our projects we will begin together. We are even interested in the negative comments about us, for we are learning a great deal about you through all of your comments, not just the ones in which a positive light is shone. It is also through the darkness, through negativity that we can all learn, and after all, isn’t this what it is all about, a learning experience for all of us? That’s what it is at its deepest core.
You are here to learn and we are here to learn as well, and to reach that goal this entire scenario has been created and it has been decreed by our Creator who is your Creator, and many great minds have set this great table for our feast where we will learn through this marvelous experience to come here to assist our brothers and sisters redecorate, rebuild and restructure their house and host a wonderful and glorious family reunion. We hope to be invited, and we do see that many of you have already opened your front door for us and we say thank you. This makes us feel wanted, appreciated and loved, and we appreciate so greatly this warm gesture to open your home and your hearts and welcome us.
Today we would like to just briefly touch upon our first project with you which many of you know by now will be the strengthening of coastal shorelines in certain locations around your world. We have begun the notification process and we would like to report that we have successfully sent our messages to many individuals who we have selected for this initial project, and we have also successfully received your replies. Your answers to our question have been duly noted, and we will contact you again when it is time for you to act upon the information you have given us. Those of you who have received our communication understand what we mean by this and there is no need to go into this any further any longer. We will continue to send messages out to those of you who we feel have earned their right to take part in this initial project through their interactions with others throughout your online social networks, their efforts to shine their light, to be there for others, to share the information about our organization and what our intentions are here in your world.
We appreciate greatly your efforts in this regard and say to all of you that have qualified yourselves through efforts such as these that you are not, and will not be forgotten or overlooked in any way. We say to those of you who have demonstrated that you would be suitable and qualified members of our teams that your day will come; there is no question about this. We know who you are and we have you on our list to contact you in future days, either one way or the other. You will not be left out of our projects together as we also look so forward to working with you. There will be many projects with many thousands of individuals selected to work with us, either directly or indirectly. This initial project, although massive in scope and importance, will not require too many ‘hands on deck’, as it will not take many of you to build these seawalls as our advanced technology does most of the work for you.
We wish to make this clear, as we wish for you to understand why it is that, although you have demonstrated your kindness, your compassion and your superior work ethic, we have not contacted you to take part in this initial project. The reason is that only a relatively small number of you have been or will be contacted for this project as the workforce required for it is rather small in size, however, there are many other projects just as important and far greater in size and scope considering the manpower required, and this is when many of you can expect to be contacted. This day will quickly follow the completion of the seawall project, and some of these projects may even get underway during the construction of these seawalls. We wish you to understand this, and we wish you all to keep alert for our telepathic communications to you as they could come at any time while you are in any place, not just in your homes or in your beds.
This is the situation here in your world where there is great opportunity and much chance for advancement and something new for all of you. What we are here in offers to you is a new way to do almost everything that you have come to know as the only way to do things. There is so much of your world than needs or can benefit from an upgrade and advancement in technological capability, methodology and understanding. There is little of a 3rd dimensional structure or system that will survive, if you will, the transformation to a higher dimensional society such as a 5th dimensional society. When one understands this, one understands that much of what they have come to know will be deconstructed and reconstructed in an entirely new way. This can be quite disturbing for many, you may be very surprised to learn this, as beings that have come to know one way do not always easily adapt to a new way, especially when the new way is so completely transformative from the methods of the old ways.
We are here to not only assist you with this delicate transformation, but are also here to assist you emotionally and mentally survive this transformation. What we will do is setup a system where your mental and emotional health and well-being can be checked and monitored to adequately measure the ease or the difficulty that some of you may be experiencing through this transformation of your societal structures. We will monitor a certain percentage of your populations throughout your world, in this way procuring a base from which to derive statistics that can be quite accurate without monitoring and examining all of your population. This is the preferred method to carry out such research, and we in future days will be asking for a number of volunteers to take part in this study to measure your collective as well as individual responses to these changes in your world.
At that time, we will hope to receive an adequate number of willing participants and tell you for your assistance in this study you will be rewarded in certain ways. One of these ways that you will be rewarded are those who participate in our studies will receive from us the benefits of our advanced technologies and knowledge, and you will receive advanced treatment for many of your emotional, mental and physical needs. What we mean by this is that we will share with you our technologies and our advanced understandings of physical, emotional and mental vessels and help you alleviate some of the problems you may be having or shortcomings, if you will, that you have been born with and have handicapped you in some way throughout your life. All of the work that you will be doing with us comes with reward, as this is the basic construct of your new higher dimensional society. When one pitches in to assist their brothers and sisters and work towards the greater good of all and your planet they are adequately and fairly compensated for their efforts, their time and their energy.
Today here in your world many of you work very hard for very little compensation and reward. This will change, for all of you that continue to work at your jobs that may be necessary, at least for some time, until an overall change to many of your systems can be implemented will be rewarded, compensated, paid much more than you are today. We wish to make this clear, as we understand that many of you are ready and are very eager to walk away from the jobs that many of you feel tied down to, and we say that for many of you this day will come, but for now as your systems must be torn down before they can be built anew there will be a time period where you will have to remain at your current place of employment to support yourselves and your family. We will in time implement systems and technologies that will alleviate the necessity for many of you to go to work to perform the tasks you are currently performing that benefit others and your world. All cannot quit their jobs all at the same time if your society is to continue through this transformation smoothly. We hope that you can understand this, and understand that there will be a birthing period, if you will, a nurturing period, a growing period, and through this period there will be some growing pains as this must always be expected when the old bows down making way for the new.
In time, we will explain fully how we wish to implement your new systems, which systems we would like to implement first, and which systems necessitate the utmost attention, as there are systems today in your world that stand on shaky ground and must be strengthened, and in many cases completely reconstructed, to safeguard your societies, for we do not wish to pull a pin, as it were, and allow a complete system that is at this point yet necessary in your world to come crumbling down. We must be very careful and proceed cautiously to strengthen some of your systems while we at the same time implement new systems, sometimes building them from directly within an old system instead of completely dismantling a system before we begin to implement a new one in its place.
As we have said, there will be some growing pains experienced by your people for some time, at least in some areas. We ask for your support, your assistance and your confidence that your new societal structures will be built and they will benefit all of the people of your world. We thank you for your patience, your cooperation and your assistance in the building of these new systems and structures and say to you your efforts will be greatly appreciated and rewarded in many different ways. Have patience, have confidence, have faith and your world will be a paradise, and the ways of the old will in time become a distant and faint memory of your past.
We are the architects here to help you build your new paradise. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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SanJAsKa on the Number and Colors of Galactic Ships in our Skies

SanJAsKa on the Number and Colors of Galactic Ships in our Skies

-Channeled through Wes Annac-

This short message from SanJAsKa was given as a part of the Aquarius Channelings paid Weekly Newsletter. Option to subscribe below ($11.11 a month)

We are now stationing our ships all around your atmosphere, as while there have been many of us stationing ourselves in your skies for a long time, we have been given the authority to increase the number of us prevalent in your skies in the days and weeks ahead. We will be able to make ourselves known in more bold ways via Cloud Ships and other types of phenomenon that many awakening souls will notice and be able to understand is a sign of our presence in your skies.

At present, we are preparing ourselves to land on your world and make diplomatic contacts and efforts with all of your nations, many of whom are quite aware of our presence and our immediate wish to be on the ground with you. Time has now run out and our options have waned down to be in line with the final merging timelines and scenarios that are being brought forth and brought together on your world.

You are experiencing the upheavals and the surfacing of trauma that has been discussed numerous times, and you are feeling as well the departure of the old as your world readies Herself for our full presence upon Her surface. You are readying yourselves as well for our imminent arrival by going through the surfacing of former emotions and traumas, which will see you a better vessel to absorb the Lighted energies we will be giving you, which you will note are quite strong from our simple presence around you.

This is because we come from realities wherein this energy is quite normal and all are used to the flowing, radiant auras and colors that some of us choose to take form as. These colors are the pure energy of Love, of Source, and these are the colors which construct your very souls and bodies.

These colors are very prevalent among our many Motherships and Star Ships, and you will see whenever we are able to become openly known on your world that our ships themselves possess auras which fly around with us as we make our ventures throughout your world. Despite the density that has been fed and adhered to on your surface for so very long, special admissions are being made allowed so that we can express our full Light and radiance without it becoming too much for your dear Earth souls.

We ask you now to continue on in your process of readying yourselves for the disclosures and impending revelations which have been waiting for so very long to burst forth, as they are just beginning to make themselves known.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.

Option below to subscribe to our Newsletter.


SAINT BRIGIT: “A House United” – By AuroRa Le – August 5, 2012

SAINT BRIGIT: “A House United” By AuroRa Le – August 5, 2012.


☯  I greet you fondly, Dearests, I Am Brigit.  Angel, Goddess, Master, Sainted One – I am known by an array of titles, but I Am simply Brigit.   I Am like you.   All of us, you and I, we are Holy Messengers of Light;  and as best we can, we do our part for God, Gaia and humanity.  Peer close and see me as I extend to you my hand in kinship.  Take hold of it, please, and let us become  and remain One.  One family.  One Heart.  On one mission.  One tall and mighty fortress of love and impenetrable will, we are.  For we are a house united, and we usher in, together, the Platinum Age of Freedom.  A house united has the strength to repel any and all encroaching darkness.   Whilst this darkness might wrongly presume it could ever storm our castle walls, our numbers are too vast and to dazzling for the dim to stay bleak and solitary for too long.  A mere glimpse of our bright Light is enough to render that one dark and lonely no more;  and thus becoming a part of Us.  Ours is a castle built not on sand, but on a rock-solid foundation of togetherness and shared goodwill.

☯  A house divided cannot, and will not, stand.  In these times, great expectations are arising from the ashes of the past traumas and tribulations which are being burnt away.  From the wreckage of a fallen paradigm is born the incoming age of beauty, freedom, equality and peace.  Finally, at long last, peace.  Anything is possible now, and in this way of thinking you are not at all mistaken.   Embrace it, do.  When one’s motives are clean and in the best interest of  All, you might very well find you can move mountains and part the seas.   Alas, however, we sometimes find that we do not always agree on which mountains or which seas upon which to shower our attentions.  This can make for discontent amongst the Whole, and in this disconnectedness comes a loss of clear perspective and-worst of all-judgement.  A house divided cannot stand.  When faith is lost and Unity is forgotten in the heat of egoic battle, nothing of any use shall ever be accomplished. He said, she said…  honestly and truly, Dears, does it really matter?  When all is said and done, is not our end-goal the same?

☯  I seek to remind you not to lose faith that your world reality shall ever be drastically  different.  You dream of a world without borders, without starvation, dishonestly and the illusion of separateness.  You seek  loving reunion with your Brothers and Sisters of the Heavens,  in the most tangible and organic sense.  As do we with you.  You pray hard and fast for miracles to unfold, and wonder why they appear to be transpiring for some and not for others.  Have we not told you umpteen times that there is more than one timeline currently still in play;  that some have chosen to undertake a more arduous journey than others?  In due time these timelines shall merge together, but still they are in the delicate process of coming together.  Do not cast stones upon the ones who’s viewpoints and experiences differ from your own, but see them instead as one who chose to take another fork in the road.  Seek to come together and learn from each other’s experience.  It shall only serve to make you all the wiser.

☯  It is imperative that some of you re-asses your definition as to what “disclosure” actually means.  Cease to put the cart before the horse, and in this I refer to the anticipated landings of the ships.  There are some I see who are of the misguided belief that they are in need of rescue.  No, Dear Children, this is not the case.  You are alchemical masters by nature, and within you lies the power to turn dust to diamonds and water to wine.  You need only to find within yourselves the confidence and knowing that this can be so, then work to reclaim the dormant portions of your Self which have remained buried within, as you worked your way through the reincarnational cycle.  The enlightenment and upliftment of yourself, the people and the planet must come first and foremost.  The masses are not yet ready to absorb all that is Truth, all at one time.  They are not yet able to comprehend that we are the same, that we are all united under the same Creator.  I so fervently wish this wasn’t so, but such is what it is at this moment. 

☯  You are Lightbearers, so then bear The Light.  Step out from the shadows and become the majority.  Aye, convert them.  Tell them all!  Make not the mistake of thinking that they do not hear you, for they do.  Now you must make them listen.  Disclosure is occurring, though mayhap not yet in the way you may want it to.  You hear me now, you feel my energy, I Am here.  I have disclosed myself to you. Though not in the fashion you seek, but still I make my presence known.  From my heart I promise you the day shall come when you shall look with your own eyes  into the shining eyes of your Beloveds.  You shall see them and hear them and clasp hands with them in long anticipated Unity.  This anticipation goes both ways, but do take heed and trust that we can see obstacles that you do not.  We must dismantle them together.

☯  Have faith in your Creator, for He shall never disappoint.  Feel your Mother’s kindness as a buttery balm against the rawness of your wounds.  Have unwavering faith in yourselves and in each other.  I ask you, please, to refrain from setting yourselves up to fall, and allow for the Divine Plan to unfold as it was long ago decreed to do.  There is a Divine Plan, and whilst it may sway a bit from here to there and rework itself every now and then, take heart that we are right where we ought to be.  By having faith in this very thing, you shall never feel let down.  Then we all shall be together.

In Holy Grace, I am Brigit.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

SaLuSa 8-03-2012

SaLuSa, August 3, 2012

There are as usual mixed messages going around, but they are of a far more positive nature and it is in those you that you should place your confidence and your energy. The problem that still exists is that some people still resurrect the old prophesies, not realizing that times have moved on. Had you not lifted up your vibrations, they may well have still been valid. It is not to say that all old ones are invalid but you should look for your information from current day prophesies. Even so you need to be aware of disinformation, and if any message does not radiate Love and Light then it should set aside. The same could be said of those messages that concentrate on possible catastrophes, without balancing them with a positive outcome.

So be on your guard and also remember that regardless of what changes to the Law are proposed, very few will ever see the light of day. It is for example like the present arguments over the gun law, as even if the anti-gun lobby get their way they will never achieve their goal. It will not be long before governmental changes take place, and new Laws and amendments to the Constitution will be rescinded. That will eventually apply world wide as with each step your freedom will be returned to you. It will not fully happen until after Ascension, but at least any draconian or unjust Laws will have been removed. Responsible people certainly do not need great restraints upon them, and we shall make sure you are made free of them as soon as possible.

There is some consolation as a result of the delays you have been experiencing, as the more people that are confronted by the actions of the dark Ones, the greater is their understanding of what they are doing. It galvanizes them into action and helps maintain a balance so that matters do not get out of hand. As a result the mass consciousness has risen in leaps and bounds and has ensured that the dark Ones are doomed to failure. Indeed, they are at their wits end and no longer have the power to achieve their plan for world control. We wish that they would go quietly, but there are still pockets of resistance that would do anything rather than concede defeat. However, it is what they will eventually have to accept as their time is up.

Meanwhile we eagerly await the possibility that a Leader somewhere will see the way clear to announce Disclosure. It is likely that if it does come about that a country like China will be the first to do so. Regretfully countries in the West are still largely under the powerful influence of the Illuminati. They are scared of the repercussions if the go ahead, and fear is a strong factor where such decisions are concerned. We simply require our presence to be officially acknowledged at a top level, so that the world is aware of it. Of course millions of people are already know of us, and have seen our craft, and bear in mind it is well over 60 years since we first set out to make ourselves known to you.

We know you tire of the continual waiting, and we applaud your understanding and patience. You can be consoled by knowing that we are a hair breadths away from fully coming out into the open, and of course taking the opportunity to meet you. We have an initial celebration planned and still intend to flyover your main cities so that more people can see our craft. We may also invite your own Space Fleet to join us, and that way you will have one of the last great secrets revealed. It will of course be a demonstration of peace and in no way connected with any military connection. War and all things connected with it will be removed or disabled, as there is no place for them in the future.

Now more than ever we need you to concentrate on Ascension, with your highest perception of what you believe it to be. As the last few months pass by we do not wish you to lose your focus, because as more of you come together in unity you are strengthening the power of the Light. There is clearly no prospect or indeed any reason why you should, but we want to see the Light finish this cycle as the formidable power that it is. It will sweep away the last remnants of the old energies that have held the old paradigm in place. It is no longer suitable for the New Age that is taking shape, and the new one is going to rapidly take its place.

You have already given power to your visualizations where free energy is concerned, and its introduction will present no problems. You are ready for new technologies and they will immediately overcome many problems you are presently experiencing. The beauty of using free energy is that it never runs out, and you can use as much as you want. There are clearly exciting times approaching and that is where we want your focus, and leave the clearing up to those who are appointed to do it. Believe us, the changes will come thick and fast once we can get started. Everything is prepared now, and in spite of what you may see as enormous distribution problems, that presents absolutely no difficulty to us.

Do not forget that you have your personal cleansing to do, and as the higher energies lift you up they will reveal long held emotions and problems that have been left uncleared. Often they relate to unresolved differences where the people involved will not concede their position, when forgiveness would solve such issues. That Dear Ones is the key to moving on, and it is only the ego that is likely to hold you back. You have got too used to exerting yourselves over others, and you find all kinds of reasons to do so. You sometimes pick on those who are weak, mentally retarded or disabled, and must see them for what they really are. They are souls exactly like you who have chosen tough incarnations for their evolution, and should be treated with equal respect.

Sometimes souls take on problematic lives so as to inspire others to lift up. They give you the chance to show how far you have evolved, and both of you can advance as a result. Take whatever opportunities come up and prove what it means to one who aspires to live their life with unconditional love.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask that you keep the Olympic spirit going, and it will create a new level of unity around the world that will be lasting.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

COBRA – The Plan and What You Can Do


Monday, July 30, 2012

The Plan and What You Can Do

I have received new intel about the Plan.
The Event will be a multidimensional breakthrough for planet Earth that will send waves of Light across the Universe. The Event will be spiritual and physical in nature. It will encompass a breakthrough in removal of non-physical negative entities, mass arrests of the Cabal and drastic increase of sightings of positive UFOs. It will be an unified effort of the Pleiadians, the Resistance Movement, Positive Military, White Dragon Society and other positive groups.
The Event is scheduled for October this year or later.
The Event is only the beginning, then things will go as fast as humanity can integrate. First Contact operations will proceed along with the restructuring of the system. New financial system will be very short lived since after the First Contact money will become obsolete. The Ascension will NOT happen on December 21st. Humanity needs a lot of healing and December 21st is just the beginning of the Ascension process.
The main reason why mass arrests of the Cabal did not happen within the April to June timeframe is that the Positive Military was not aware of Archons until recently and did not integrate them in their 35+ years old plan. The other reason was that positive groups got heavily infiltrated by the Cabal.
Nothing spectacular will happen on August 4th. There will be a gradual increase of number of UFO sightings during August / September period. The hostage situation around humanity is slowly being resolved, the ships of Pleiadians and other positive civilizations of Light are progressing towards the surface of planet Earth.
To explain from my last post, Magdalenian Archons invasion was an invasion  that ended peaceful Gravettian Goddess worshiping paleolithic high culture more than 16,000 years ago and started Magdalenian hunting paleolithic tribal society.
Many people would like to become more active and are asking me what to do.
First, you can join weekly liberation meditations.
Second, you can distribute information.
Third, you can spread the beauty of your Soul.
Fourth, in the future when safety conditions permit, I will be able to hold conferences worldwide where I will speak about different topics connected to the planetary liberation, ascension, disclosure and first contact. There people will be able to ask questions directly. People willing to organize such events can contact me at cobraresistance@gmail.com .
Fifth,  the scope of this blog, projects associated with it regarding planetary liberation and people’s response to this has grown to the point when I can no longer cover everything with my own financial resources. Information in this blog will always be free. However, additional funding is needed from wealthy persons that are willing to contribute something to those liberation efforts. I trust there are some rich people out there that haven’t been completely absorbed into the Rothschild casino and would like to support the Light instead. Minimum donation is $1000 and regular monthly donations would make things much easier. Those willing to help, please contact cobraresistance@gmail.com for details. Please understand that call for funding is directed towards wealthy individuals outside the Cabal as this would not be a burden for them, and not to general population. Large part of the donated money will go towards a project of healing planetary timelines with advanced reverse time loop technology.
Many people have asked to join the Resistance. This is not possible at this point. Only few extremely well trained agents of the Resistance are now operating on the surface of the planet. After the Event, the Resistance will gradually make itself known to the general public.
I have received reports from some people that they can not post comments in my blog. I do not know the reason for this. I hope it is just a technology glitch and not the Cabal interfering with us. I rarely delete comments and I do so only when they are extremely negative and counterproductive. The comments section in my blog has evolved into a sacred space where awakened beings can share ideas and revelations.

Posted by at 11:45 AM


Making Sure We Understand SaLuSa’s Important Annoucement – Steve Beckow


Making Sure We Understand SaLuSa’s Important Annoucement

It’s important to review what SaLuSa and Mike Quinsey have said right out of the starting gate. Stephen has said what I’m about to say here. Andrew has.  But I worry that, even though we’ve been crystal clear, some people will not see it or catch SaLuSa’s drift.

I’m also being compulsive about it because I’ve just been raked through the muck on a particular discussion group for exactly these misunderstandings.  So perhaps we can avoid a repeat by going over the details.

SaLuSa has confirmed what Sierra Neblina said (1) and what the two crop circles at Manton Drove and Windmill Hill have indicated (see below). (2) That is NOT that Disclosure will take place on Aug. 4 or even Aug. 5 necessarily, but that the divine deadline after which the galactics have the ability and authority to decide when to disclose their presence to us passes on August 4.

Here is what SaLuSa actually said:  “Yes, we have the deadline Saturday the 4th. of August in mind and no longer, before we take matters into our own hands.” (3)  SaLuSa amplifies his comment: “Dear Ones, as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence.”  He continues:

“We have shown extreme patience and given your leaders plenty of opportunity to take the steps called for to release you from the control of the Illuminati. We know that they too are also like many people in fear of them, but that has to be put aside to allow the truth to come out.”

He goes on to explain that the galactics intend to use the Olympics to the maximum advantage:

“The Olympics is the window that is being given world attention, and we cannot think of a better way to make it known. Time is fast running away and we must be given the opportunity to make ourselves known to you.

“Some will still choose to disbelieve our messages, but that is their free choice which we honor. However, there is the important matter of Ascension and much to do in these final days, and we cannot wait any longer. Our allies have gone as far as can be reasonably expected, and they need complete freedom to go surging ahead with their final responsibilities.”

He then states what all this means: “So very shortly the clearing up process will be able to proceed without further hindrance from the dark Ones.” Notice he did not give a date but only said “very shortly.” The last part of his message I want to give again is his caution to us that our lives are about to be “turned upside down.” In other words, the main events are about to start, the signal we’ve been waiting for.

“Your lives are to some extent to be turned upside down, although many people are already prepared for it. We hope that some leaders will heed our request and not wait until we are forced to intervene, but if we have to we are fully ready.

“The coming period will show those who are of the Light, as they will be able to step forward with our blessing and take the reins from those who are not. We want to stop all actions that are happening or proposed, that are purposefully directed at you the people to limit what little freedom you have left. You do have good souls of the Light that are here at this time to handle such matters.”

He gives this signal to us, I believe, to have us start to adjust to the fact that our time of service is about to begin. In my opinion, he doesn’t give it to us so that we can look for events happening tomorrow or the next day but so that we’ll get ready for them when they do. Mostly that getting ready is an inside job. There may be other external factors to pay attention to but the important thing is to make the inner adjustments and preparations, in my view.

Mike Qunisey adds an additional note to SaLuSa’s message:

“SaLuSa [refers] to the Disclosure date of Saturday the 4th. August as being one of ‘intent’ thus allowing for change if it was proved necessary. The dark Ones would clearly like to use the event for their own agenda, and it has been said that a fake alien attack was planned using real craft and holographic projections.” (4)

I’m not in agreement with Mike that SaLuSa said Aug. 4 would be the day of Disclosure, but what Mike is really saying here anyways is cautioning us against expecting that Disclosure has to happen exactly on Aug. 4.  The intent is the same as what we’re saying here and intent is all that’s really important to me.

We as lightworkers need to understand the complex of factors that goes into choosing the exact right date. We’re close to Disclosure but any factors could result in a delay. That resulting delay does not invalidate anything. It simply says that the galactics are managing a huge operation and may not be able to turn on a dime.

There is one circumstance that favors the choice of Aug. 4th as a date for Disclosure. Certainly if I had the decision-making power, I would choose it. That is that August 4th is President Obama’s birthday. As far as I’m aware, and I’m not following the Olympics closely (I have a job to do!), he’s still in London. It would be fitting of him to receive the honor of Disclosure. And who knows where the Queen will be when it occurs so Obama becomes the obvious choice of world leader to receive the honor, the Starseed-in-Chief.

OK, I hope enough has been said to reinforce, underline and emphasize that SaLuSa did not commit himself to Aug. 4 but did confirm that it will see the divine deadline pass after which the galactics need pay no more attention to the cabal.

Now let’s review the two crop circles that declare the divine deadline of August 4. The first is at Manton Drove, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England, and appeared on June 2, 2012.

Click here to view the embedded video.

This crop circle apparently shows a polar-clock date of Saturday, August 4.

The second at Windmill Hill, near Avebury, England, was reported July 27, 2012, and points to August 4 as well.


(1) “Sierra Neblina Takes Us Backstage on Disclosure,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/sierra-neblina-takes-us-backstage-on-disclosure/

(2) “Disclosure Events Moving Fast,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/disclosure-events-moving-fast/

(3) Salusa, July 30, 2012.

(4) “A Special Message from Mike Quinsey: SaLuSa – July 30, 2012,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/a-special-message-from-mike-quinsey-july-30-2012/

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 July 2012

Hi Folks,

I wanted to share with you that I have been following SaLuSa from Sirius (who is channelled by Mike Quinsey) for several years now.  There is a tab on this site that holds each channel since I started my blog the end of December 2011.   Please feel free to peruse those channelled messages when you have a chance. 

Here is SaLuSa’s message for today 7/30/2012.

Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 July 2012

Dear Ones as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence. We have shown extreme patience and given your leaders plenty of opportunity to take the steps called for to release you from the control of the Illuminati. We know that they too are also  like many people in fear of them, but that has to be put aside to allow the truth to come out. The Olympics is the window that is being given world attention, and we cannot think of a better way to make it known. Time is fast running away and we must be given the opportunity to make ourselves known to you.

Some will still choose to disbelieve our messages, but that is their free choice which we honor. However, there is the important matter of Ascension and much to do in these final days, and we cannot wait any longer. Our allies have gone as far as can be reasonably expected, and they need complete freedom to go surging ahead with their final responsibilities. So very shortly the clearing up process will be able to proceed without further hindrance from the dark Ones. Your lives are to some extent to be turned upside down, although many people are already prepared for it. We hope that some leaders will heed our request and not wait until we are forced to intervene, but if we have to we are fully ready.

The coming period will show those who are of the Light, as they will be able to step forward with our blessing and take the reins from those who are not. We want to stop all actions that are happening or proposed, that are purposefully directed at you the people to limit what little freedom you have left. You do have good souls of the Light that are here at this time to handle such matters. Hitherto you have had too may people in high places that have become corrupt, and do not know who you can trust. That must change and we are the ones to help you, as we know exactly what level of Light people are at and whether they are honest and proven to have the interest of others at heart.

We know you have had your share of disappointments over many years, when your expectations have for different reasons been dashed. However, we are empowered by God and we see no reason why the great spectacle of the Olympics, should not be a show window for the announcements of our existence and our coming part in your evolution. The end of this cycle is in itself an historic occasion that will be a long spoken about through this Universe. As we have often told you, it is a unique event of your Ascension with Mother Earth. Upon your assured success rests the future of the whole Universe, and many civilisations look on with awe and wonder at your coming Ascension.

Although you have been preparing yourselves for this time, we know it will take your breath away as it is massive process of world wide extent. In one way or another every single soul is involved and provided for. Where God is concerned there are no mistakes but only perfection, so you may be certain that the outcome will place everyone where they are intended to be. You have had a long journey that has led you to where you are today, and your future will be a continuation of it in the next phase of your evolution. Do not worry exactly what that will mean where you are concerned, as in time you will be told. Be assured that many spiritual Beings share your journey and know you better than you know yourself, and you will progress in a manner that is exactly right for you.

Lightworkers can prepare to take some responsibility for making sure people around them are calm and not fearful about what is happening. We cannot cover it all in just a few days but will soon have the freedom and facilities to address you directly. We do not use your methods that are to us antiquated, and ours are such that no remaining members who oppose us will be able to prevent our communications to you. We know you well and have many recorded addresses that are precise and capable of relaying details to you that you will understand. We feel as excited as you do at the prospect of at last of meeting you, but first things first and the acknowledgement of our existence is most important.

That will allow us to be identified with the many ways that we have helped your civilization already, as much of our work has been carried out without any publicity. It goes back thousands of years when you have incarnated into your various lives in the many Races that exist on your Earth. It has all been part of your experiences that have enabled you to grow spiritually, in your understanding on your way back to the higher dimensions from whence you came. Bear in mind that you volunteered for your Earth lives, that have given you so many opportunities to find out about duality. You are all the greater for it and as you might say, earnt your spurs and done so in great style. You will not have to re-live those experiences unless for some reason you desire to do so.

You have yet to fully understand the function of the different time lines, and many different dimensions but all in good time when it will be of value to you. We will however tell you that everything that ever was still exists at some level, which is why you can go back in time and re-live your past lives. Of course you can also travel into the future and see all probabilities. It is what many seers have used to predict the future, but it is of course open to change. It is why you are best advised not to hold onto old prophesies too strongly, as time can change the outcome of events. An example of that is your present time which will in no way be as catastrophic as was first anticipated. You have lifted yourselves and Mother Earth up, and the Light has grown so much it has paved the way for much more peaceful changes than were thought possible.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and many of you will know already that this coming week is one that is a last chance for your leaders to respond to our demands. If we are ignored yet again, we shall go forward ourselves, and make ourselves known in such a way that our presence can no longer be ignored or hidden. Yes, we have the deadline Saturday the 4th. of August in mind and no longer, before we take matters into our own hands.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com link to original article