When the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world…she became a butterfly!

Archive for the ‘Meditation’ Category

Hilarion: Weekly Message August 19, 2012


Hilarion: Weekly Message August 19, 2012

2012 AUGUST 20
Posted by Alice C

HilarionHilarion: Weekly Message August 19, 2012

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – August 19, 2012


Beloved Ones,

The acceleration of time is speeding up and the warmth of the summer is quickly moving forward into the fall season. Being out in nature each day is bringing healing, grounding and the feeling of quiet joy and peace within. The energy influxes are more powerful than before and bring the need for more sleep as these come in and are integrated.

Every Human on Earth is receiving these energies and much cleansing of the larger population is at hand. There is a focus on the resolution of long standing issues between different members of families, communities and all institutions that make up your daily life. All issues that must be resolved and released are coming up for review.

This requires much patience from those who have already faced this process and much calming energy. Do not take anything personally in these days, no matter the seeming appearance of it. It is simply the release within each person’s Being of all that was harbored, not consciously faced and never addressed.

All old paradigms of thinking and activities within them are being transmuted into greater acceptance that what was is no longer relevant in these changing times. Humanity is being prepared for the shift out of duality into higher consciousness and what came to the surface in the morning is already dealt with and has been dissolved and a new issue is on review.

Remember that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and can heal all that is dysfunctional and unresolved within each person and between each person. Choose Love always in all interactions with those around you. This time in the Earth’s history is hard on everyone and much healing energy and thought is required.

Think of yourselves as the Ambassadors of Love and bring your Light out in the open. Having already experienced this cleansing within yourselves, you now have the opportunity to shine your Light for the benefit of others. It does not require your involvement in their issues, however, just the being in your Light. This is very helpful energy and empowering to those who need it.

Most of you are now well into the next level of your journey and are experiencing downloads of new energy coming in. As you integrate and assimilate these energies, greater changes take place within you.

You are all powerhouses of energy and must use these wisely, for you affect all Beings around you by your thoughts and actions; self control is most important during these times and detachment from the outcomes of all situations in your sphere of influence. You are here for the duration of the shift and must use discernment in the choosing of the areas of your focus.

It is most important that you direct Love to yourself and honor your need for quiet moments of reflection and going within. This is helping to bring a greater connection to your higher aspects and further integration can take place in a space of grace and ease.

Try to experience those moments of joy to the fullest as they come to you and know that this is the natural state in the wholeness of your perfected Being. Let the Light shine through your heart, through your eyes and through your smile.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.  http://www.therainbowscribe.com


Valerie Donner – The Ground Crew – Going For Gold – And A Message From Sanat Kumara – 8 August 2012

Valerie Donner – The Ground Crew – Going For Gold –  And A Message From Sanat Kumara – 8 August 2012

Dear Ground Crew:

We are going for the gold! Yes, we are the spiritual athletes, whether we realize it or not. We have been advancing towards our ascension target. Now we are closer than ever.

In recent sessions with clients I am seeing that some people need to go more for the gold. By this I mean-the Golden Light of the Christed energy and it is used for spiritual protection. When you surround yourself in the Golden Light of the Christ and put it before you the protection is there. You can also send this Light to loved ones or in places around the planet where healing and protection are needed. Follow your heart with this. It is here for us to use.

Many are having intense challenges right now. As we accelerate towards the end of the year these will continue until we work through them. That is the purpose of our heightened emotions. We need to release fear and old issues. ————————————————

A Message from Sanat Kumara, our planetary Logos. Sanat is responsible for the Earth’s ascension and Venus’.

Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara.

Let your new roles unfold as you step forward into the higher dimensions. Get about your true work. You are on the planet to do God’s business. You volunteered to command the space shift on the Earth. The ride is closing in on you and is getting closer. Some are tormented by the new energies and others are delighted. The Earth is unstable but is holding steady. The more grounded and steady that you are the more you assist the Earth. Do not let the agonies of the past or the remembrances of defeat hold you back from fulfilling your mission. There is a Light at the end of the tunnel.

You will see it and feel it clearly as it gets closer with each passing day until December 21, 2012. Move forward and do not let anything hold back your progress. We count on you to meet your promises. In your heart you know what these promises entail. Follow your heart.

Everyone has obligations in life. This process of ascension highlights these obligations whether they are to yourselves or to the planet. If you feel like you are stuck it is time to get some assistance. There are many ways to do this: You can ask us in meditation for help from the Light Realms; get human assistance if you cannot do it yourself; find a book that answers your heart’s questions; or simply surrender and let the blockages go. It is up to you.

Think about how dedicated and committed your athletes are in their various Olympic sports events. You are just as dedicated and committed in your spiritual workouts. The contest you are in is far more complex than running a marathon. It is the future of the Earth and all of creation. This is how much we are relying on you to perform.

We have the utmost confidence in your abilities and so does our Creator. Move forward with the utmost speed. Life is going to change in the blink of an eye before you know it. I am Sanat Kumara watching you and loving you in this process.

http://www.thegroundcrew.com  newsletter 7 August 2012

Creating New Earth 3 & 4 by Susanne Lie

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/3/12 ‘Improving Dream State Communications’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/3/12 ‘Improving Dream State Communications’

Let us begin today by saying that we appreciate all the efforts that many of you are making to treat each other a little better, a little more respectfully, politely, kindly, considerably, gently, and say to you your efforts are very much appreciated and will take you all very far as a collective and as individuals as well, as not much can be done in the ways of advancement until a being learns and demonstrates how to properly communicate with others in the manner in which they deserve and need to be treated.

So many possibilities open for you like doors being pushed open by a spring breeze when you first begin to show the signs that you are making a concerted effort to keep other’s feelings in mind when you are communicating with them in any way, either in person, on the telephone, or through any electronic means, as it does not matter in which way you are communicating with another as words can cut through like a knife any forms of communication and hurt and even scar another individual. Do you understand this? Do you understand that words, even though they cannot touch another person physically, can reach another in so many different ways and do harmful damage just as if you were taking your hand, making a fist and striking an individual?
Do you understand this now a little better? Do you realize that your words can be just as abusive as your fists? We hope that those of you who are engaging in such violence and harm through the use of your repeated slander, rhetoric and hurtful demeanors and attitudes think about what you have just read and think about how many doors would open for you if you continued on in this harmful, unproductive, disrespectful, unfeeling manner, and think about how many doors will close for you if you do not change the direction in which you are so eagerly walking. This is all we have to say on this particular matter today, but we will from time to time be speaking about this again with you as we will continue to read your responses to our messages and we wish so very much for all of you who are engaging in this rude and inappropriate conduct to see clearly the choice you are making, and think about choosing another path that will lead you to bigger, better and brighter, as you do not owe it to anyone any more or any less than yourselves.
Today we would like to speak to you about how you can improve your methods of telepathic communication with us, as we have begun the initial stages of our program to communicate with those of you who we feel would make positive additions to our teams that will begin our first project together, which is to construct see barriers off the coast of several areas of your planet. We have been sending our communications out to the selected individuals, and we will report to you that a number of you have indeed successfully received our notification and in turn, we have received your reply. We also report to you that there are those of you who we feel have not received our notification as of yet, although for some of you, we have indeed attempted more than once to send you this communication but you have not received it, or as could be the case, some of you have received this message but have not sent us your response.
We cannot know for certain if you have received this message from us, we can only know if you have sent your message back to us, this we can be sure of. We will continue to send our telepathic communications to all of you who we have selected for this initial operation. We will be patient, we will be persistent, but we cannot continue to attempt to send you these communications for a prolonged period of time, as we have made it clear for quite some time now, time is of the essence. The time between today and the finale that is planned for you is not very far off in the distance and we must make haste and begin our many projects together. We hope that those of you who do not receive our communications understand that, for the time being, this is how we must communicate with you. We have no other choice in this matter, and when we can speak with you in person we will fully explain to you why we cannot choose any other means to communicate with you at this time.
We suggest to all of you, since you do not know who it is we have selected for this initial phase of this operation, to pay very close attention to the dreams you may be experiencing, as this is a very suitable and efficient means for us to relay messages to you. There are those of you who report that you have difficulty in remembering your dreams once you awaken. We understand this, although there is nothing we, from our side, can do about this. It is all up to you to find a way to, and to develop skills sufficient to lock-in some kind of memory of the dreams that you are always experiencing. Dreaming is a very natural function and is experienced by all of you, there are no exceptions. For those of you who claim you do not dream, it would be more accurate for you to say that you do not awaken with any recollection of your dreams, for you are certainly experiencing dreams in many ways and forms.
Now that we have been clear about this we would like to suggest to you how to more effectively remember the dreams that you have. Keeping a writing pad and something to write with by your bedside at night is strongly advised, as often when you dream you awaken, even momentarily, and it is then that you may have some sort of recollection of the dream you have just experienced. We say to you to write down as many details of the dream as you can as clearly as you can, so when you awaken later on you can carefully examine what it is you have written down and surmise some sort of message that has been sent to you, if indeed this is what that particular dream represented.
We also suggest to you to perhaps alter your sleep patterns, with the goal being a longer, deeper and more restful sleep. We suggest to you to sleep in complete darkness, hanging extra window coverings if necessary, and possibly placing something under your bedroom door as light may be filtering into your room. Turn off all lighting and even electronics, as LED lights in many of your electronic devices may shine a relatively large amount of light. We also suggest to you to remove all wireless electronics from your room while you are sleeping as these may, but not necessarily, be causing interference of our communications to you.
Your brain has parts that function like a communications satellite, sending and receiving information from your surrounding area and all throughout the universe, and taking care of your equipment is very important. The foods you eat are the fuels and the fluids that run your communications machine. These fuels and fluids must work to enhance your machine and not debilitate your machine. What kind of fuels are you adding to your machine? We suggest to you to scrap all the junk foods, the sweets, the cakes, the cookies and sodas and fill your refrigerator with fruits and vegetables, as these will significantly and almost immediately raise your vibrational frequency, and this will certainly assist you in your communications with the higher realms, as this will physically bring you closer to the higher realms. Do you understand this? Do you understand that your frequency rises and falls like a thermometer all throughout your day, and dependent on the foods you eat, your vibration may rise or dip suddenly and greatly? These are a few of the methods that may improve your telepathic abilities, and we say to you by following these simple guidelines you may see immediate improvements.
We will continue to send messages to those of you we have selected. We will give you warning as to when we feel we cannot spend any more time attempting to send these messages to you and we will have to begin to send messages to those who may not have made the first list, but are certainly individuals we feel would make positive additions to our team, and we will at that time begin to attempt to send out messages to them. Do not allow yourself to fall into panic mode fearing that you will miss your opportunity to work with us because you feel you may have been selected for this initial project but have not received our messages, as this kind of emotional strain will not help you in any way receive our messages and will, in many cases, make matters worse and hamper any communications to and from us. There is still time left for you to receive our messages, we wish to make that clear, and we will continue our efforts immediately and continue them until further notice.
This is all we have for you today dear ones. We hope that you are all doing very well, and again we thank you for all your efforts to communicate with each other more effectively and politely, and we say to those of you who have demonstrated improvements in this area thank you, for you are doing all of us throughout our entire universe a great service. Until we speak again tomorrow, have a wonderful and blessed day dear ones.
We are your friends and family of the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
http://spanishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Spanish
http://brazilgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Brazil
http://bulgariangg.blogspot.com/ – Bulgarian
http://coratiangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Croatian
http://dutchgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Dutch
http://germangreggiles.blogspot.com/ -German
http://greekgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Greek
http://hebrewgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hebrew
http://polishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Polish
http://japanesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Japanese
http://portugalgg.blogspot.com/- Portugal
http://romaniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Romanian
http://russiangreggilles.blogspot.com/ – Russian
http://sloveniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Slovenian
http://swedishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ -Swedish
http://chinesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Traditional Chinese
http://hungariangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hungarian
http://frenchgreggiles.blogspot.com/- French
http://turkishgreggiles.blogspot.com/2012/03/02032 Turkish

Posted by

SaLuSa 8-03-2012

SaLuSa, August 3, 2012

There are as usual mixed messages going around, but they are of a far more positive nature and it is in those you that you should place your confidence and your energy. The problem that still exists is that some people still resurrect the old prophesies, not realizing that times have moved on. Had you not lifted up your vibrations, they may well have still been valid. It is not to say that all old ones are invalid but you should look for your information from current day prophesies. Even so you need to be aware of disinformation, and if any message does not radiate Love and Light then it should set aside. The same could be said of those messages that concentrate on possible catastrophes, without balancing them with a positive outcome.

So be on your guard and also remember that regardless of what changes to the Law are proposed, very few will ever see the light of day. It is for example like the present arguments over the gun law, as even if the anti-gun lobby get their way they will never achieve their goal. It will not be long before governmental changes take place, and new Laws and amendments to the Constitution will be rescinded. That will eventually apply world wide as with each step your freedom will be returned to you. It will not fully happen until after Ascension, but at least any draconian or unjust Laws will have been removed. Responsible people certainly do not need great restraints upon them, and we shall make sure you are made free of them as soon as possible.

There is some consolation as a result of the delays you have been experiencing, as the more people that are confronted by the actions of the dark Ones, the greater is their understanding of what they are doing. It galvanizes them into action and helps maintain a balance so that matters do not get out of hand. As a result the mass consciousness has risen in leaps and bounds and has ensured that the dark Ones are doomed to failure. Indeed, they are at their wits end and no longer have the power to achieve their plan for world control. We wish that they would go quietly, but there are still pockets of resistance that would do anything rather than concede defeat. However, it is what they will eventually have to accept as their time is up.

Meanwhile we eagerly await the possibility that a Leader somewhere will see the way clear to announce Disclosure. It is likely that if it does come about that a country like China will be the first to do so. Regretfully countries in the West are still largely under the powerful influence of the Illuminati. They are scared of the repercussions if the go ahead, and fear is a strong factor where such decisions are concerned. We simply require our presence to be officially acknowledged at a top level, so that the world is aware of it. Of course millions of people are already know of us, and have seen our craft, and bear in mind it is well over 60 years since we first set out to make ourselves known to you.

We know you tire of the continual waiting, and we applaud your understanding and patience. You can be consoled by knowing that we are a hair breadths away from fully coming out into the open, and of course taking the opportunity to meet you. We have an initial celebration planned and still intend to flyover your main cities so that more people can see our craft. We may also invite your own Space Fleet to join us, and that way you will have one of the last great secrets revealed. It will of course be a demonstration of peace and in no way connected with any military connection. War and all things connected with it will be removed or disabled, as there is no place for them in the future.

Now more than ever we need you to concentrate on Ascension, with your highest perception of what you believe it to be. As the last few months pass by we do not wish you to lose your focus, because as more of you come together in unity you are strengthening the power of the Light. There is clearly no prospect or indeed any reason why you should, but we want to see the Light finish this cycle as the formidable power that it is. It will sweep away the last remnants of the old energies that have held the old paradigm in place. It is no longer suitable for the New Age that is taking shape, and the new one is going to rapidly take its place.

You have already given power to your visualizations where free energy is concerned, and its introduction will present no problems. You are ready for new technologies and they will immediately overcome many problems you are presently experiencing. The beauty of using free energy is that it never runs out, and you can use as much as you want. There are clearly exciting times approaching and that is where we want your focus, and leave the clearing up to those who are appointed to do it. Believe us, the changes will come thick and fast once we can get started. Everything is prepared now, and in spite of what you may see as enormous distribution problems, that presents absolutely no difficulty to us.

Do not forget that you have your personal cleansing to do, and as the higher energies lift you up they will reveal long held emotions and problems that have been left uncleared. Often they relate to unresolved differences where the people involved will not concede their position, when forgiveness would solve such issues. That Dear Ones is the key to moving on, and it is only the ego that is likely to hold you back. You have got too used to exerting yourselves over others, and you find all kinds of reasons to do so. You sometimes pick on those who are weak, mentally retarded or disabled, and must see them for what they really are. They are souls exactly like you who have chosen tough incarnations for their evolution, and should be treated with equal respect.

Sometimes souls take on problematic lives so as to inspire others to lift up. They give you the chance to show how far you have evolved, and both of you can advance as a result. Take whatever opportunities come up and prove what it means to one who aspires to live their life with unconditional love.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask that you keep the Olympic spirit going, and it will create a new level of unity around the world that will be lasting.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/31/12 ‘Choosing a Pickup Location’


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/31/12 ‘Choosing a Pickup Location’

Today we like to begin by discussing with you how to best prepare yourselves for your work with our organization that will begin shortly in the days to come, as the time to begin our many projects together has now arrived. We would like to begin by welcoming you to our teams, and we would like to do this by meeting with you on board our ships and introducing ourselves to you so we can get to know each other just a little better before we begin a working relationship together. We will do this by meeting with you at a pre-designated spot somewhere near or at your home residence. We will contact you in the days ahead beginning next week where we will ask you where it is you feel you would like to rendezvous with us.


To answer this question, we ask you to respond with a very short sentence so as to clarify your response to our question which you will hear either through the dream state, or for those of you who have begun to master telepathic communication, through your awakened state while you are meditating or any time it is that we are successful in getting our question through to you. Do you understand this? Are we making ourselves clear on this? We, the Galactic Federation of Light, will send you, telepathically or through the dream state, a short question asking where you would prefer to rendezvous with us to be teleported onto one of our awaiting ships where you will be escorted to a larger ship where you will then meet with representatives of our team to break the ice, as it were. At that time we will answer all of your questions and, if you don’t mind, we will have a few questions for you, which is only natural as we wish to learn a little bit more about you as well before we begin working together, as this will assist us find a suitable position for you and learn your availability scheduling and how often and how long you could make yourself available for, and wish to work.


Please keep in mind that we do have set schedules for those who will begin working with us. We cannot tailor make a schedule for individuals, as this would entail many needless flights to and from our mother ships or whichever ship you will be working on. We feel it is necessary to reduce the number of flights to and from your surface world and to our work sites. Our work sites will be thoroughly protected from any possible dangers or threats of reprisal from any rogue military outfits aligned with the cabal. You have our word that we will do everything we can to protect your safety and well-being, although always keep in mind, no absolute guarantees or solemn oaths are made in this regard, only that we will do all that we can to protect our crewmembers and those working with us on these many projects.


As most of you who will be selected to work with us already fully understand, nothing could truly ever end your life as you are an eternal being, and as such, there is nothing ever to truly fear, as there is nothing that can happen to you out on the job sites or traveling to and from the job sites that could not be reversed in the case of injury, and even in the case of physical death it is certainly not the end, it is only the beginning for something new for you, something that many of you are headed for anyway in the months to come. Do you understand this? Do you understand that even if in the worst possible scenario where you were to experience physical death, that you would merely be getting a head start on all the others that will be ascending behind you very soon enough?


With this understood, we would like to begin this initial phase of this first and extremely important project to solidify and strengthen your shorelines by constructing beautiful,  protective sea barriers off the coasts of selected areas around your planet. We will begin this project very soon, think in terms of weeks and not months, think in terms of a rapid deployment to job sites once we are successful in relaying our message to you and receiving your reply of where it is you feel would be an appropriate spot in your neighborhood or surrounding area to rendezvous with us. What we are looking for is an area that is at least semi secluded, although we understand that some of you live near major metropolitan areas and this might be a bit difficult for you to find such a space, but we tell you to use your resolve, be cunning and clever, research area maps and especially satellite imagery available through your Internet which will help you find such an area that at this time you may be unaware of as it is hidden from view even as you may drive or walk by. We are confident each and every one of you will find such an area, and we will leave this assignment up to you as we have much faith and confidence in you.


After this initial conversation, we will then be in touch with you when it is time for you to rendezvous with us. This signal must come as a surprise, with only very short notice being given to you, as we cannot have our plans leaked somehow to the cabal through the methods in which we communicate to you, as we wish for no surprises and wish for no one to gain an advantage by having any suitable time to prepare to intercept our meeting with you in any way. We hope you understand this, and we hope you understand that it is required of you to keep all this that we speak to you about to yourselves. Do not share this information with others on the Internet, on the phone, or even verbally in your own homes as your privacy is not guaranteed even in your own living room. We hope this does not come as startling news for you, but there are very many ways to intercept communications even without the use of electronic listening devices, technology which many of your world fully understand at this time.


There are disembodied spirits roaming all over your planet, some of you know this and some of you might be very surprised to learn this. One of the goals of our mission is to lift your planet away from these disembodied beings as they do not belong here on the same planet as you. We have discussed this at some length in a previous message, and if there are those of you hearing this news for the first time we ask you to please go back a few weeks and read that message as you may find it very informative. So in light of the fact that can never be too sure who is listening in on your conversation, we urge you to keep the information regarding our meeting with you to yourself and only to yourself, and in this way no one can eavesdrop on your conversation and learn of our plans or our schedule to meet with you. Is this understood, dear one? We hope we have made ourselves clear on this, as regrettably we would have to cancel our rendezvous with you if the details of this meeting were shared openly on your internet or even through private messaging on your Internet, as this type of electronic eavesdropping is quite simple to achieve and occurs each and every day in your world, and the culprits are various sources and not just one.


We feel we are clear on this, and at this time we would like to move on and discuss with you what it is exactly you will be doing when you begin working on this first project with us. We will rendezvous with you and escort you to a ship which is a craft capable of space flight, at which time you will receive training in the methods and technologies we employ to build water barriers used to protect coastlines. You will be instructed on how this technology works and how to properly engage this technology and utilize it. You will receive hands-on training from highly qualified instructors. We have teams of scientists, and each ship will have a representative with a scientific background who can answer any and all of your questions of a scientific and advanced nature.


We will begin slowly, as it will be you that will build these seawalls and it will not be us, as we have explained, this is your planet and it is your responsibility to care for her. We are only here to assist you, and by assisting you we will allow you to utilize our technologies and our spacecraft. We will train you, we will supervise you, we will coach you, we will organize you, we will answer any and all of your questions and we will do everything we can to keep you safe, but this is all we will do. As we have said, it is all up to you.


We do not expect you to move quickly in the beginning, we simply wish to see that you have learned to use this equipment properly and safely before we look for any kind of speed in the production of these see barriers. Once a section of seawall is seated into place we will advance our ship to the next location where you will once again construct and insert a section of seawall sturdily into the seabed, at which time we will move forward once again and repeat the process. This is a very simple process, and once you get comfortable with our technologies and this procedure we can begin to build this seawall at a very fast rate. This technology can build a seawall up miles of coastline in a manner of minutes, that is how fast this technology can be employed and a seawall can be built. This is very important as well, as there are many miles of coastline around your world that we feel necessitate the protection of these seawalls, and as we have said, time is running short.


When we speak with you personally we will speak more in depth of which areas of your world will receive these seawalls and which areas we feel may require the relocations of at least a certain amount of their populations, as we feel even these seawalls may not fully or adequately protect them from the rising sea levels and surges that these particular areas may experience as your planet shakes off her third dimensional layers for her journey into the higher realms of this universe, which is the underlying cause of these Earth tremors that will cause these seas to erupt in certain areas around your world. This is our first project together, to protect your people and your communities from the seas, and we look so forward to beginning this project with you, our brothers and sisters of Earth.


Please keep alert for our messages to you. For those of you who are beginning to master the ability of telepathic communication, we are confident you will receive our question to you as to where it is you would like to rendezvous with us, and we are confident you will successfully send your answer back to us. For those of you who are not yet quite skilled in telepathic abilities, you may look for our question to you through other means, only one of which is through your dream state. After you awaken from a dream where you have received this question, we ask you at that time to formulate your answer to us and telepathically send your response to us by focusing on us and stating in your mind, but not out loud, your response to us before you begin your day. We will be listening for your answers, and once again we look forward to working with you dear ones. It will be an honor and it will be a pleasure, and together we will get the work done that needs to be done.


We are your coworkers on this, our first joint project together. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.



As channeled through Greg Giles

http://ascensionearth2012.org/- English

http://spanishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Spanish
http://brazilgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Brazil
http://bulgariangg.blogspot.com/ – Bulgarian
http://coratiangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Croatian
http://dutchgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Dutch
http://germangreggiles.blogspot.com/ -German
http://greekgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Greek
http://hebrewgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hebrew
http://polishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Polish
http://japanesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Japanese
http://portugalgg.blogspot.com/- Portugal
http://romaniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Romanian
http://russiangreggilles.blogspot.com/ – Russian
http://sloveniangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Slovenian
http://swedishgreggiles.blogspot.com/ -Swedish
http://chinesegreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Traditional Chinese
http://hungariangreggiles.blogspot.com/ – Hungarian
http://frenchgreggiles.blogspot.com/- French
http://turkishgreggiles.blogspot.com/2012/03/02032 Turkish

Posted by


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 ‘How to Communicate with Us’

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/21/12 ‘How to Communicate with Us’

Do your best to navigate over small bumps in the road that may appear and you will always emerge stronger and wiser for the experience. What has transpired over the last few days with our communication with our channel is nothing but a small and temporary obstacle that we have successfully cleared from our path, and it is nothing to be alarmed about or to carry long-lasting concern for. These minor distractions may appear from time to time as our mission is a greatly vast endeavor and there are many players and participants, allies and foes and those neutral parties as well, and we will persevere to rise to any challenge that presents itself and we will succeed in our mission together with you, as nothing can stop us now.

We would like to discuss with you ways to better communicate with us, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light. We do see that there are those of you who wish to begin or to improve your communications with us, and we say to you there are methods that you can use to better open up the lines of communication. We would recommend to you to choose a particular time of day or night when you wish to communicate with those assigned to your team or even your guides who may be members of our organization. To do this, simply begin your meditations, or however it is you wish to begin communicating with us, at the same time of day or night so those on the other end of the line with you will know when to ‘pick up the phone’, as it were, and listen for you as you listen for them. This is how it better works for both of us.
We suggest to you to begin your communications with us by sitting in a semi-darkened or completely darkened room, quieted from all external noise from outside and inside as well, such as air conditioners, fans, or of course, television sets. If you have a question to ask of us please ask, keeping it as short as possible and making your point as clear as possible. Then we would like you to sit in quiet, focusing as best as you can on absolutely nothing, as a blank slate is easiest for us to write upon. Our messages to you will be as short as possible in the beginning, as this will be easier for you to receive. We will do our best to answer your question, but the most important goal for now is simply to work on strengthening our line of communications and not particularly on answering your questions specifically.
We do understand that many of you have many questions about who it is you are, where it is you come from, if you are members of the Galactic Federation of Light and so forth, but for many of you, simply learning the basics of telepathic communication is what we’d like to focus on in the early stages and we hope you understand that we may not be able to answer all your questions immediately, as we simply wish to break in these communication lines with you. Remember, each of you has at least one guide and many of you have more than one guide, and these guides have always been with you throughout your many incarnations and your current incarnation is certainly no different. Your guides may or may not be members of our organization, but this does not mean you cannot attempt to communicate with them and it does not mean you cannot attempt to communicate with us.
We all play for the same team. There is no us and there is no them here in the higher realms. There are no spiritual groups or other commands that we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are not allied with, partnered with, teammates with, family with. We wish to make this clear, as we do see from time to time those of your world attempting to create some sort of animosity between groups or different organizations or individuals within the higher realms and this simply will not work, as there are no different teams, different sides here. We are all one on this side of the veil. Separation is merely an illusion of your lower third dimensional state that you have chosen to experience at this, what you know as time. The illusion of separation does not penetrate through the veil and does not exist on this side within the higher realms. We hope we have made ourselves clear on this, and we feel many of you will immediately understand this and resonate with this truth, as it is truth.
Moving on to adventures in your world that you are experiencing through your choice to learn through your education here, we see the men and women on your front lines continuing the process of apprehending and incarcerating the members and associates of your criminal cabal. These arrests are ongoing, and we see them as perpetually moving forward as each hour of each day passes by, and we say to you we hope this knowing helps sweep you through the hours and days and brings forth to you all that you want and all that you have dreamed of as soon as is possible for you. We see these arrests as the pivotal point of your 3rd dimensional experience. There has never been a war, a President elected, a country founded or a technology invented that has shifted your focus and your frequency as great as this truly Earth changing event. This event is one for the ages. It will be memorialized in all your future history books, in song, in museums, in film, in literature, and in stories that a grandfather or grandmother will share with their grandchildren while sitting around a campfire or warm fireplace, for this event will fuel enthralling discussion for ages to come, and deservedly so.
This event, although still transpiring mostly beyond the eyes and ears of your people, will break through the media blockade in the days to come, you can be assured of this, for a secret this great can never be kept buried forever. We will do what it is we can to allow your media outlets to see that the time has come when they break free from the constraints of the criminal cabal. The cabal today focuses less on their scheming to control the rest of the population of Earth and your planet as well, and spends more time worrying about their future, just as they have caused so much of humanity to live in a constant state of worry for their future and the future of their family and friends. This is what is going on in the minds of those of the criminal cabal and those that have accepted payment to participate in crimes against you. They are not a force to be concerned about any longer.
The only concern you should have today is on yourselves, for there is so much now becoming available for you and your lives are already beginning to change. There are great rewards for your combined efforts to change your world and the starting gun for these gifts and advancements is the arrests of these criminals of your cabal. You are already ‘off to the races’, as it were, as the starting gun has been fired, we wish to shout this loud and clear to you as there is no other truth here, there is no other version of this story, there is no counter perspective. These arrests have begun, they have begun in earnest, they continue through each day and each night and we see them as never slowing or stopping. We believe we have made ourselves clear on this.
We do see other alternative explanations and theories as to what is transpiring and what will transpire in regards to the members of your criminal cabal and we say to you that you may disregard these alternative theories and explanations as they hold no water at all. These arrests are happening, and it would be very hard to convince the men and women on the front lines who may even be reading these words that these arrests are not taking place, as it is they themselves who are ‘slapping the cuffs’, as you say, on these criminals.
We feel we have made ourselves clear once again on this point, and we would like to move on to discuss just what it is that will begin here in your world once sufficient numbers of the criminal cabal are taken into custody and cleared from the playing field of your planet. We would like to begin meeting with individuals who we have selected and are continuing to select as representatives of your people to meet us and engage with us in a ceremony which will introduce our organization and our people to your people, a ceremony and a celebration that will be televised worldwide through your media channels. What we would like to do is meet you face-to-face, dressed in ceremonial attire, and present to you offerings of our friendship for your whole world to see. We feel this would be the most appropriate way to meet you, and we have many times in the past been welcomed to worlds through ceremonies such as this. We will be in touch with those individuals who we wish to take part in this ceremony, and we have already been making plans for this occasion, this is how close we are to reuniting with you, our brothers and sisters.
Until then, we are your family, friends and neighbors of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look so forward to this reunion with you.
As channeled through Greg Giles

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Visionkeeper – Trudging Upstream – 8 July 2012

Visionkeeper – Trudging Upstream – 8 July 2012

(picture by http://www.favim.com)

A quick trip around the internet to all the various sites these days will give you a good idea how difficult the going is for many people right now. Between what the Government is doing to everyone or not doing as the case may be, the constant bombardment of solar flares, the shifting of global situations and the never-ending saga of war, life is a challenge on so many levels.

That is bad enough, but are you trying to tow your boat upstream against the current as well? Life is hard enough, we need not make it any harder by not going with the flow downstream. It is time to stay anchored inside and listen to what your gut is telling you to do. If we go with what feels right to us we usually are going with the flow and life is easier by far. It is so important right now especially, to listen to yourself, for if you do, you will not waste precious energy fighting your way through life. Instead go with the flow and allow the currents of life to pull you along effortlessly, having faith and trusting that you will be taken to where you need to be.

For so many of those struggling along today, ego is the main culprit for that unnecessary struggle. We go against ourselves determined to do things our own way, totally ignoring the tug within to go another way. Ego can have its useful moments, but by in large it is a yoke around our necks. We listen to this obscure voice within telling us who we should be, what we should or should not do and worse we actually obey the commands. This is not the real you. It is important to isolate this ego entity and recognize it so you can avoid its beckonings and go the route your higher self and your gut are telling you to go. Life is easier that way.

It always frustrates me to see so many choose the hard way just to avoid doing something different or going outside their belief comfort zones. I know trusting and putting our belief in something we cannot see or touch is asking a lot, but that is what surrendering is all about. Surrendering to the understanding a higher power knows the best road for us to travel. Why not give it a try? You might be surprised how much easier life functions when you go with the flow. Once you feel fully connected to this higher source you are never alone, you always have support and love and your confidence grows.

We are never alone on our journey, it is important to remember that. We always have our higher selves to guide us along, and we are always connected to source if we allow ourselves to be. If we be ourselves, follow what our hearts want to be and stay anchored in love, life will flow and be kind to us. Do unto life as you would wish life to do unto you. There is such a total disregard for life today, nothing and nobody has value anymore. It is thanks to the immoral programming that we have all  been subjected to on a daily basis. Over time it has eroded our morals and principles, steering our priorities onto materialism, stripped away our spirits and destroyed our self-worth. We have been left empty shells of who we once were, and it is imperative we cast off this brainwashing and reconnect with who we REALLY are!

If we don’t find the courage to flow along WITH life then the struggle becomes too much for us to bear. If we don’t find ourselves again and regain our self-worth then we have no courage to surrender and we find ourselves trudging upstream exhausted, depressed and hopeless. Spirit is alive and well in the world despite what the dark ones would have you believe. It lives within each of us and is there to guide us along and keep us centered. Spirit requires nourishment just as we do to survive, and the nourishment for spirit is love and gratitude. Feed your spirit and your heart love and a gratitude for life and your spirit will thrive, and as a result you will thrive. Allow yourself to dive into the current of life and be carried gently along to wherever your spirit thinks you need to go. Enjoy the journey!

Blessings to you all,


http://www.oneworldrising.wordpress.com link to original article

Blossom Goodchild – Extra Including Audio And Video – 8 July 2012

Blossom Goodchild – Extra Including Audio And Video – 8 July 2012


A month or so ago I went to see a healer/reader. A lovely young indigo lady, to whom White Cloud had appeared two years previously. As he left he told her he would see her in two years time. Enter me on the healing table!! … and White Cloud showed himself to her through me. Lovely! She then went on to tell me that White Cloud and I would always be very close … almost as one … yet it had been agreed that he is now happy to step aside and another energy is to come and speak through me on a regular basis. This energy being that of the gracious Quan Yin.

It was a ‘reader’ that told me White Cloud wanted to connect with me. It was a ‘reader’ who told me to sit at my computer and a new energy would connect with me … The Federation Of Light … so it made total sense that it would be a ‘reader’ that would show me the next phase of my journey.

I arranged a meeting at my house, and invited eleven trusted friends in order for this introduction to take place. I knew White Cloud would come through first, which he did and I think he always will. I would miss him greatly if he were to disappear off the radar altogether! I ask you to breath for the 3mins whilst Quan Yin prepares to talk. Her energy is very strong . I send out this recording for all who choose to hear … and I am sure it will not be the last. I feel that those who listen to it will experience a shift. I feel it was designed to do so. The recording is almost an hour long and I would suggest one look upon it as a meditation rather than listening whilst walking etc.

It will be interesting as our energy blends how ‘She and I’ learn to work with each other ! 13 years ago … White Cloud and I ‘sounded’ very different indeed.

I am WELL AWARE of the pace in which both White Cloud and Quan Yin deliver their words. Although it may appear to be very slow … I know that there is reason for this … to allow the soulself to absorb the words and the energy they carry in their fullness.

At the end of the session White Cloud used my singing bowl to unite our vibrations. I had used it at the beginning for the same reason. At first it may sound a bit ‘weak’ , but I urge you to listen to the end and breath with it. That old injan KNOWS how to get the most out of that little singing bowl!

Here is the link to the channelling. I do hope you get something from it. All I ask is that if you post it on blogs, sites or face book etc … please would you also post the above explanation. Thank you . www.blossomgoodchild.com

http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/001_A_013_Blossom_QY1_2012_07_08.mp3 54mins


And this very interesting snippet from a movie made in 1981! A Higher Conscious Conversation.


via newsletter: 8 July 2012 http://www.blossomgoodchild.com

How Do We Know We Can Trust the Galactics? – Part 4

How Do We Know We Can Trust the Galactics? – Part 4

2012 July 7
Posted by Steve Beckow

Representations of the heart differ in different cultures

This discussion was written prior to Adamu sending along his own message on the same subject (see http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/adamu-can-we-trust-the-galactics-yes-and-no/) I almost refrained from posting it given that I defer to Adamu’s wisdom. But to allow us to have some poor reflection against which to see beauty, I throw caution to the winds.

The fourth way that we can know whether or not we should trust the galactics is perhaps the most confirming and affirming of all and that is by asking our heart or inner voice for its verdict. But to say why that is so, I have to say something about the heart or inner voice and about when its evidence is strong and when weak.

And please understand that this is very difficult for me because I’m not an enlightened person or a spiritual teacher.  I’m not trying to represent myself as if I am and not trying to climb up on a pedestal.  But I won’t allow those considerations to prevent me from discussing the matter nonetheless, from the little I know of it from experience.

What is the heart? Perhaps this would be a good place to look a little more deeply into what the heart actually is, if you’d permit me.

It isn’t a physical organ that pumps blood. It isn’t the heart chakra. The hridayam or spiritual heart is in fact the portal between the physical form and the soul. And, as far as I know, the soul is a portion of the Divine which, like a hologram, has everything in it that the Divine could be said to have in It.

The world’s great religions testify to the fact that God is to be found in the lotus of the heart or Hridayam:

Upanishads: “The ancient, effulgent being, in-dwelling Spirit, [is] deep-hidden in the lotus of the heart.” (1)

Upanishads: “Within the city of Brahman [God], which is the body, there is the heart, and within the heart there is a little house. This house has the shape of a lotus, and within it dwells that which is to be sought after, inquired about, and realized.”  (2)


Shankara: “Here, within this body, in the pure mind, in the secret chamber of intelligence, in the infinite universe within the heart, the Atman [soul] shines in its captivating splendour, like a noonday sun.” (3)

Habbakuk: “The Lord is in his holy temple [of the heart]: let all the earth keep silence before him.”  (4)

Al-Ghazzali: “The first step to self-knowledge is to know that thou art composed of an outward shape, called the body, and an inward entity called the heart, or soul. By ‘heart’ I do not mean the piece of flesh situated in the left of our bodies, but that which uses all the other faculties as its instruments and servants. In truth it does not belong to the visible world, but to the invisible, and has come into this world as a traveller visits a foreign country for the sake of merchandise, and will presently return to its native land. It is the knowledge of this entity and its attributes which is the key to the knowledge of God.” (5)

God-realization or Brahmajnana sees the heart open up and close again; mukti, liberation or sahaja samadhi sees the heart open and remain open, says Sri Ramana Maharshi:

“[The] Heart is the seat of Jnanam [wisdom] as well as of the granthi (knot of ignorance). It is represented in the physical body by a hole smaller than the smallest pin-point, which is always shut. When the mind drops down in Kevalya Nirvikalpa [samadhi or God-Realization], it opens but shuts again after it. When sahaja [nirvikalpa samadhi] is attained it opens for good.” (6)

In my view, when we connect to our hearts, what we hear is what many call our Higher Self, soul, Atman – you can call it by many names. And this source does not lie.

However, whether the voice of that source, when consulted is weak or strong, depends on how often we seek its counsel and how well we listen to it.

If we consult it often and in fact make no important decision without consulting it, I think its voice is strong. So in what I’m about to say, please consider it understood that I’m speaking to the one who consults it often and follows its counsel.

For me, the ultimate test of whether the galactics are trustworthy is supplied by the heart, the inner voice, or Higher Self.

Matthew Ward is known for saying so often: “Follow your heart in those matters. …  Trust your intuition, the messages from your soul to your consciousness.” (7) “Simply by following your heart, the seat of the soul, you are serving the light and fulfilling the lifetime purpose you signed up for!”  (8)

But following this counsel and relying on it is something that will prove most successful for those who have well-ploughed this row. The skeptical among us will say “I consulted my heart and heard nothing” and so it undoubtedly will be.

That doesn’t prove this method wrong but only reveals that we haven’t developed it to the place where it can assist us.If we haven’t developed our connection with the heart, if we want to answer the question whether we should and can trust the galactics, we might be better advised to fall back on the other methods.

So these are the ways known to me that can help us decide whether we should be trusting the galactics or not. I rely the most on following my heart or inner voice.

I hope I answered the original reader’s question.


(1) Swami Prabhavananda and Frederick Manchester, trans., The Upanishads. Breath of the Eternal. New York and Scarborough: New American Library, 1957; c1948, 17.

(2) Ibid., 74.

(3) Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 53.

(4) Habakkuk 2:20.

(5) Al-Ghazzali, The Alchemy of Happiness. trans. Claud Field. Lahore: ASHRAF, 1971; c1964., 21.

(6) Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 96.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 29, 2008, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(8) Matthew’s Message, May 21, 2008.