When the caterpillar thought it was the end of the world…she became a butterfly!

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Rev. Nancy Detweiler: A One-Time Letter to Ministers of All Religions

Rev. Nancy Detweiler: A One-Time Letter to Ministers of All Religions

2012 April 5
Posted by Steve Beckow

Rev. Nancy Detweiler has taken upon herself the task of informing all ministers of the truth of the mass arreests that are expected soon. Hopefully they will pass the information on to their congregations in turn.  She asks you to pass the letter along to any ministers you know or repost it on your blogs.  We may repost this article on the weekend to make sure everyone sees it. Thank you, Nancy.


Please copy and send this letter to ministers of all religions. Religious leaders are in contact with one another and they can be an excellent means of spreading the word regarding the forthcoming mass arrests. The more people who know ahead of time, the less threat of violence by the people shocked to learn how badly they have been mistreated. You might also send a copy to your local radio/TV stations. Major media is tightly controlled by the dark cabal who are to be arrested — all major media in America is controlled by only 5 entities.

At this point, it does not matter whether or not you or they believe the news. What matters is that as many people as possible have heard the news and will recognize what is happening when it does. Much disinformation is rampant in the major media and on the internet. People need to know that the result of these mass arrests will be the release of the people from the enslavement of the dark cabal.

The news is good … the people are being freed! Violent acts will do nothing but slow the process. The arrests will be made by Federal Agents, backed by the police. The military’s role is to be present if needed to help the Agents.

Please listen to the 3 hour audio indicated in the letter … it will answer your myriad questions and concerns.


Rev. Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Unbeknown to the majority of Americans, much very positive work has taken place for decades in an effort to right the wrongs presently being perpetrated on the people. We live in a world of lies and cover-ups. Working to correct these problems is dangerous and can easily result in being killed and/or having your family tortured and killed. For that reason, much of the work has been done behind the scenes. The advent of the internet has served to allow those Americans interested in finding the truth to do so.

The news media is tightly controlled and therefore the individuals depending on our major media outlets for information know very little about what is really going on in America. Now, this is about to change.

This change means that the people will be shocked, extremely angry, and maybe even violent as they learn of the horrors inflicted upon them. We have not recognized the ways in which we have been manipulated and enslaved because Americans have accepted them as this is life.

I am writing ministers asking you to listen to the 3 hour audio I am referencing and join in helping to explain and calm people as they learn of all that has been done to them. All 3 hours contain valuable information, so please take time from your busy schedule to listen to it all. That the information get to the people is the request made by the Pentagon as explained in the audio.

The introductory article “The Pentagon Wants This Information To Go Viral” and the audio may be found on my blog: http://pathwaytoascension.wordpress.com/2012/03/30/the-pentagon-wants-this-information-to-go-viral/

I am sending you to my blog because there you may find additional information relating to this time of major transition. My ministry is Bridging the Gap Ministries and takes place via my website and blog.

David Wilcock, the man doing the interview, is internationally known for his filmmaking, lectures, books, conferences, and his appearances on such TV programs as the History Channel’s series entitled “Ancient Aliens.” David’s best selling new book is Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science & Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies. This is an excellent book to bring you up to date on these prophecies.

An outstanding website for learning more is Fred Burks’ http://www.wanttoknow.info/ Fred is a former US State Department language interpreter for top level White House meetings under Clinton/Gore and Bush/Cheney. He resigned due to the increased secrecy he witnessed in our government and has since dedicated his life to getting the truth out to the people.

I appreciate how busy you, as a minister, are; but also know that you can play a key role in the life of your congregation and local community by being prepared for the major events about to take place. It will be most helpful if you will share this information with ministers in your area. I am sending this letter to at least one minister in every capital city of the 50 states.

Receiving this letter does NOT mean you are on my mailing list. However, I will be glad to answer any questions I can. I have been actively involved in this area of research and writing for the past 11 years.

Thank you for any help you can be in spreading this information. The goal is to avoid violence and for people to know that a better world for all will be the end result.

Rev. Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.


Richmond, Virginia

Little Grandmother (Keisha Crowther) on Healing Conversation 2-23-12 Radio Interview

Listen to
internet radio with Lauren Galey on Blog Talk Radio
Keisha Crowther is a Shaman and Wisdom Keeper and receives messages from Mother Earth. She was taught by the Elders about the last pole shift and how important it is for us to BE in LOVE during the coming Pole Shift.  Listen in to hear Little Grandmother talk about the pole shift, 3 days of darkness, the inner Earth and why it’s so important to plant crystals back in Mother Earth.

Blossom Goodchild: Can You Say in Your Truth ‘YES I AM READY’?

Blossom Goodchild: Can You Say in Your Truth ‘YES I AM READY’?

March 26, 2012


Good morning to you. Happy to have a chat if the timing is appropriate with you?

It is of much pleasure as always. Would you be so kind as to inquire of our status?

‘ows ya status lately?

It is more that we FEEL many would benefit if they understood that we come from a position of acceptance of who we are. This role which we play within the undivided attention upon your planet at this time is to be one of great participation from the overall perspective. Therefore we would consider it worthy of yourselves to also take a deep insight into that role in which each individual is also participating … from the perspective of the Earth soul.  We would ask if you are playing your role well? Have you been rehearsing lines and now ready to perform? For indeed it is very soon to be a time when veils are lifted and one’s strength must carry them through.

Are you ready for this change? Are you ready to step into position and claim knowledge of all that you are? Standing ground upon your planet Earth. Standing up for/to all your hearts KNOWING?

Can you say in your Truth when you ask your heart ‘YES I AM READY’? Because it is NOW … in these days that are just around your corner that you will need to KNOW that you are indeed in the position that you have been awaiting. You came to serve and service on a scale much larger than you have served ever before is what shall be required of you.

We ask you not to be weakened by bullies. We ask you to hold on to your hats. We ask you to show strength in all that you witness and all that you are preparing to share. We willingly send you atoms of Higher energy that will assist you in this.

Yes you have waited for so long, yet we wonder if you have TRULY considered consequences of our presentations?

For those in a position of security and LOVE, for those who KNOW who we are, then we say to you … gather yourself in a way like you have not done before. In this we mean … PREPARE! Talk to yourselves … we believe this is KNOWN as a pep talk. Begin to do this on a regular basis.

We suggest you convince the doubting part of your minds … ‘I am a warrior of LIGHT. This that is to come is why I am here. I am strong. I am here to assist. I am willing to speak Truth. I am ready NOW for all that lies ahead and I shall assist this Awakening process throughout all doubts and fears of others. I shall not be sucked into the fears and doubts of those who have not yet opened up to the TRUTH of their soul. I shall be there to assist them. I AM READY NOW to do what I came here to do. IN KNOWING. IN TRUTH. IN LOVE’.

Prepare in this way. With words that resonate similarly. Build your KNOWING that what has been considered fantasy for so long is so very soon to become your reality. KNOW that your hearts are ready. This is why you came . Fill your souls with Love on a conscious level regularly in order for strength to be maintained.

The LOVE that we have … for your mother Earth and all upon her has no boundaries. You will FEEL this vibration of LOVE emanating from that which we present to you. No artificial replicas are capable of resonating TRUTH in a way that speaks directly to your hearts. Let go of all misconceptions. Of all rumours. Of all that is heralded to proclaim to be something they are not. For we tell you … Dearest Family…. When we merge with you once again … when we return to your planet in these coming days to reunite with you …


This will be apparent and cannot be neglected. Rejoice in your thoughts. Rejoice in your hearts, Visualise these times when once again we become close to you on a physical representation.

FEEL this reality into Being. Changes that are taking place as we communicate are reaching their pinnacle status. The turnaround of events that you hear of shall be phenomenally large in size compared to that which you have considered huge in past days. For that which is to be revealed to you on so many levels of your existence … is of a magnitude far greater than even those who think they know what we are speaking of … imagine.

That which is to be revealed will be the uprising of the consciousness. When many hear what has been going on secretly behind the scenes … their Awakening will recognise Truth.  Although ‘new’ to the ear … much will ring a bell … and once processes of thought have settled down and been comforted then acceptance for TRUTH shall allow the next phase to commence.

Which is?

Which is time to put the kettle on!

Be alert Dearest Ones. Smile in your hearts and in your eyes … always NOW. Keep tender in your souls the KNOWING that the place in which you find yourselves is one of great honour. There are many ‘envious’ souls who would have loved to be in your position, yet glory in YOU that are where you are. Build on this momentum of LOVE. Fulfil your destiny and see this transformation through with the ease and Grace in which you specified.

There will be times of such confusion that the world would seem best viewed from under your bedcovers. It is then that you remember to breathe deeply and hold your Swords of Light to the sky to be recharged. It is in these times that you drink daily from the Golden Chalice. It is NOW that you remember to recharge your batteries not just now and then, but twice daily .

Yes the Light is with you and shall and cannot leave, but it is inevitable that in times of great change such as that which is upon you … you will have weaker moments through tiredness and vulnerability. This is why we insist that you PREPARE. By doing so … little damage to the soul shall take place.

These words we offer are not by any means meant to concern you … merely to PREPARE. We would not wish you to find yourselves a little depleted at times and say ’Well, they never mentioned about this part’.

And we say ‘part’, because that shall be all that it is. A small part of the change. When you move house … you are excited about the change , yet even though everything may go as smoothly as possible it does not mean that there is not a lot of work involved.
Remember the balance of your souls is required. For this will assist greatly in how one’s handling of any given situation shall receive the most beneficial outcome.

Without doubt, without question … these times … for those who are ready to welcome us with open arms … shall be of such joy to the soul. These days shall have you almost floating in appreciation of yourselves … for listening to the inner you that has struggled now and then to understand its Truth.

Your inner joy shall be uncontainable. This in turn shall assist in that which is to be accomplished. For this inner joy carries with it an energy that is of a contagious nature. This is nothing new … yet it shall appear that way due to the heights in which it can reach others energies who are not FEELING as bright as perhaps yourself.

Consider yourselves to be KNOWN as ‘HAPPY HUMANS’. Make a pact with yourselves each day to be a ‘Happy Human’. This is your side of things. We can offer assistance, we can offer guidance … yet as we have said before … we cannot do it for you . This is your biggest role.


You cannot be happy unless you are filled with LOVE. LOVE and Happiness are peas in a pod. The happier you allow yourselves to become … the more joyous you openly become … the more LOVE you express to those around … the more courageous your outlook  … the more you plant seeds for those who are too afraid of themselves to be as you are now.

Examples of LOVE are your greatest gift to yourselves and others.


How easily recognisable you shall be to each other. Is this not already so?

The Truth is ones’ smile and one’s eyes speak to another without words. For the heart in this way does all the talking. Just through a smile. You know of this. You are nodding saying ‘Yes they are right’. So smile even more, and as you smile KNOW your heart is speaking.  Spend more time allowing your heart to speak … in the silence of itself.

All these things can you do to assist yourselves as we move into this new time. This new vibration.  When we visit … for the first few times that we come in a more spectacular recognisable fashion … indeed your hearts will resonate on a Higher vibration as we merge. Yet it is still your position to remain in this ‘state’ once we leave . Upon returning … more shall be accomplished due to the resonation factor that has settled between us.

So much excitement is abounding in many ‘Places of residence’. If you chose to quieten your minds and ‘tune in’… you will FEEL and ‘see’ much that is taking place.

Full steam ahead would be our ‘catch phrase’ to you.

truth … I think you are rather more advanced than steam automation!

And yet as always, we chose our words wisely and do not see point in wasting them.

Tickety Boo ……  I had a funny vision of an ET with a peak cap on shovelling more coal on the boiler at a rate of knots!!!   ‘Crystals’ and ‘thought’ I would imagine are more the order of the day. Thanks too for the reminder of the Chalice and Sword to the sky etc … would hate to have these ‘handy hints’ fall on stony ground. In Love and thanks.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/23/12

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/23/12

The governments of your world are playing a game of quid pro and quid pro quo. (Latin: What for, what for what.) We have given them every opportunity to step down peaceably and offer their assistance in the implementation of your new system. They have refused time and again to cooperate and now it is time for them to be removed in any way possible to clear the path for your further development and your new governmental and financial systems. Please allow us the opportunity to assist you to remove these stubborn individuals and institute worldwide governmental regime change that will once and for all end this dark period in your planet’s history.
So much waits on the removal of those sworn to the old system of corruption and chaos, and we need to get underway with the vast sweeping changes of your world as time is running very short and there is so much work yet to be done to secure your paths to ascension. What we propose is a sweep of governmental offices from top to bottom, from bottom to top, and remove each and every individual from their position, either elected or appointed, who are aligned with the forces of darkness otherwise known as the Cabal.
We see this as a means to an end, and this must be accomplished and must be accomplished within a suitable timeframe so we can begin to implement the many other changes that are necessary as you move forward into your year of 2012. Many changes to your civilization are just up ahead, and many of you have no idea the impact these changes will have on your society and your planet. We are here in your skies and have traveled here from great distances to assist you in what will be your time of need. There is no reason to be frightened. Together we can suitably handle these changes and allow you to safely move forward into your futures.
Many of your government officials would rather see you suffer than to step down from their positions of power, so we see no other alternative than to remove them forcibly. This can and will be done without a need for violence on any level, but it is up to those of your governments being removed how they wish to proceed. These men and women need to understand that they will face harsher penalties for their actions by refusing to step down from their positions. Their jobs are, and have always been, in service to the citizenry, and they were called upon to act always in a manner that would be best for the welfare of the people. Instead, everything they have done worked against the people, to strip them of their money, their health, their rights and their freedom. This will now end, and we offer our assistance to our Earth allies who must now move forward and remove these individuals from their offices and take them into custody. This must be done in the name of the people, and it must be done in the name of your new world.
It was known all along that these individuals could not keep their positions of power within your governments as there is no place for corruption and dishonesty, selfishness and greed in your new world, especially through the ranks of your governmental bodies. How these individuals were to vacate their positions has always been a matter of choice, and it is their choice now. They have stubbornly refused all offers to make this as easy a transition as possible for them, and they are now out of time and out of bargaining power. The next time they hear from us and our Earth allies will be when we are knocking on their door to take them away and into custody.
This is the way it must be as this is the way they have chosen it to be. We wished very much for this process to proceed differently, in a way that would be a smooth transition for them and also a smooth transition for the citizens of your countries. Instead, it will be a rockier transition, but nonetheless the end result will be what we, your Earth allies, and the awakened people of your world want and understand is necessary for the betterment of all of you and your society as a whole. We will now move ahead with this phase of the operation and begin the take down of those seated within your governments who are aligned with the powers of the dark and who are corrupt through to the bone. They will be replaced by those souls of honor and integrity, balance and foresight, and who possess within them an honor of duty. These men and women are highly trained at the positions they will fill and they are, or will be, sworn to uphold the law of light, of freedom and the sanctity of the human soul and spirit, and if anyone who takes office fails to maintain this focus they too shall be removed.
We have much confidence in these men and women who will be stepping in to these leadership roles and you may be very confident in them as well. Many of these individuals have waited in the wings for their time to shine, and that time has now come. We will converse with our Earth allies and set up a suitable removal process of those still aligned with the dark, and we will move forward with this operation as soon as is possible as time is of the essence. We wish for all our Lightworkers in the field to again be pillars of strength and a fountain of information for those who will thirst through misunderstanding, fear and confusion at what they will be witnessing. Try to keep in mind that for those who yet have no idea of what is transpiring around them, the removal from office of so many of those they have come to trust can be quite a shock, and we wish you all who know and understand what lies at the heart of these events to be there for your brothers and sisters and offer your guidance and your knowledge to help better ease them through these transitions.
We cannot thank those of you in the field enough for the work you have been doing. Nothing you do goes unnoticed by us, and we are deeply grateful for everything that you have been doing in the name of progress for this world. We understand many of you are growing impatient awaiting to see the changes long discussed, but we tell you they are just up ahead and once they begin they will not slow or stop and you will never have cause to wait impatiently again. Try to see and understand that what has been transpiring behind the scenes has been extremely complex, and at times, very dangerous for those of the light, and it was necessary that we, as well as your Earth allies proceed as slowly and as cautiously as possible to protect our mission, as well as to protect lives. No time has been squandered away through inactivity; instead, we and our Earth allies have been working continuously, pressing forward in our mission and gaining ground each and every day. In due time when we are able to speak freely with you, we will explain everything that we have been doing unbeknownst to you, and at that time we are very confident you will see that there was great cause for you to remain as patient as possible.
As we have said, this part of your mission will be over shortly, and the next phase of operation will see you fully abreast of each and every development and there will be no longer any need for secrecy. This will come as a relief to many of you who at this time have only a few sources of information, and we were not able to reveal everything through our channels. This is changing as we are now able to share more with you, and in the days ahead there will be nothing that we cannot openly discuss with you. Look for the changes in your governments to coincide with the mass arrests of those of your criminal Cabal, their underlings, and many of their associates.
Many of these individuals are associated through their illegal and underhanded dealings, and as such will be removed from your society whether they are elected government officials or not. Those who hold positions within your governments have never been, and are not today, entitled to any kind of special treatment or protection from your laws which they have broken time and again. They will be arrested and charged just as any criminal would in your society and held to face the charges against them. While these proceedings move forward your new governments will take shape through those who have shown themselves worthy and who have earned the trust of us as well as our Earth allies. You will be meeting these men and women in the days ahead, and we wish for their welcoming to be warm, exciting, and full of expectation, for what they will be bringing is a new and better way for all of you.
Look for these changes to be rapid and look for them to be far sweeping as the corruption reaches through the many branches of your governments. Your new governing bodies will take root and grow strong and healthy, bearing fruit for the people of your world. Allow this process time to nurture and to grow, and again be patient as this is a very delicate process that must be handled with due care. What we are speaking of is not an easy process for any world. We have handled many situations just as this before, and we will see to the successful conclusion of this operation as well. Bear with us at this time and show your support for us as well as our Earth allies. We know how long you have waited for this day, but we tell you this day has now come and all your waiting and your hard work will be well worth all of it.
Please continue to monitor your news outlets for these breaking news stories and share this information with all who wish to understand better this event. Again, we wish for this event to be the ‘shot heard ‘round the world’ that will awaken as many as possible as to how their world is changing all around them. Help them to see that these arrests are good news and nothing to be frightened of, and help them to see that there is a better way and a better world available to them. Help them to see these arrests are clearing the way, making it all possible, and a better world is what will stand when all the smoke clears.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


As channeled through Greg Giles

The Most Astounding Fact – by Max Schlickenmeyer

Our Galactic Family by InLight Radio in Spirituality Sun, March 18, 2012

Graham Dewyea interviews internationally known ufologist and retired US Army Command Sergeant Major Bob Dean.

Bob discusses his top secret clearance that inspired his work to raise awareness about the presence of extraterrestrials, UFO’s and the government cover up of the extraterrestrial presence and beings from other worlds.

He talks about how he has been aboard ships several times as a volunteer and that the ships are several miles across. He describes ET’s as looking very much like us, but taller, that they communicate telepathically, are able to time travel, and are much more spiritually advanced, and are able to manipulate matter and time.

He discusses his six week visit with them in 2003 when they showed him the Akashic history records of earth, and he was told that humans have a unique genome and come from several civilizations.

Bob shares how extraterrestrials are family, that they’ve been with us since the beginning, and they are here to help us transition into a new race. He shares that we are from the stars and will be joining other civilizations from the stars. He talks about the Galactic Federation, that it does exist, and is made up of advanced civilizations.

We discuss Disclosure and he shares his belief that first contact with extraterrestrials will occur very soon, and that the transition for earth and humans will be at the end of this year. Life as we know it is coming to an end followed by a new and glorious future for the human race.

He shares his belief that humans are spiritual beings, infinite and immortal, that there is a God, and love is the power of the universe.

Music: Rene Aubry, La Grande Cascade


Anonymous – Operation V Started – 14 March 2012

The Pleiadian High Council: Physical and Telepathic Contact with People on Earth

The Pleiadian High Council: Physical and Telepathic Contact with People on Earth

2012 March 7
Posted by Vina

The Pleiadian High Council: Physical and Telepathic Contact with People on Earth

Channeled through Wes Annac

March 5, 2012



We have visited the people of your world many times in your history, be it recent or ancient. At this current moment in your ascension process, our primary preferred method of contact and communication with the souls we are in communication with has been through the telepathic channels established in the minds and energetic fields of you all. It has not always been this way, dear souls. We have made direct contact in the physical with many people and whole civilizations.

[One of] the reasons we now prefer to speak to those who have found this contact with us through telepathy, is because tighter ‘security’ controls have been taken around your world since the most recent times we were making open contacts with various individuals on your world.

Upon doing some research, one may find that there began a widely-held interest in the subject of UFOs and us extraterrestrials shortly after the Roswell incident and other extraterrestrial-related incidents which occurred in such times but are blanked from the public perception and memory today. 

During those times of vast interest in us and our craft, many souls began to come forth with stories of their own about how they were contacted by us, shown our starships and told to share what they had been exposed to. Of course as always, there were plenty of people making these stories up out of thin air so they could have their fifteen minutes, as you are fond of calling it. There were however, souls who we genuinely contacted and while the majority of the souls reporting such alleged contacts back in those times were indeed lying, many souls who we contacted chose not to go public with what they had been exposed to.

The reason for this is that when exposed fully to us and our craft, a paradigm of limited intelligence and knowledge which you all experience whilst under the lower vibrational spell is broken exponentially when exposed to ascended beings and our ascended technologies. Many of the souls we contacted personally have spent lifetimes soaking what they were exposed to in, and the utter shock of being exposed to us extraterrestrial ascended beings in such bold ways is one of the primary reasons we have not initiated such bold, in-the-physical contacts more recently.

It is appropriate at this accelerated stage in your already accelerated ascension process, that we begin to communicate with many souls whom we contacted personally in past Lives and indeed many souls who themselves originate with us in the Galactic Federation, through your expanding mental channels as your communications with us are serving to expand you more and more and this is what is needed in this delicate yet rapid phase of your ascension processes.

Each and every one of you are feeling our energy while reading and absorbing our messages, and this of course is a subject which has been touched on before but it is an important one, because you are being exposed to our Lighted energies in a more measured-out way through your exposure to us by reading these messages from us, and the energy you are receiving fits in with your freewill wishes more than our direct physical contacts did, because you have the inherent freewill choice to decide for yourselves whether our messages are genuine or hoaxes.

Plenty of souls will and have chosen to see our messages as hoaxes, because the extraterrestrial reality is not yet their reality. This is ok, in fact it is great because you are able and allowed to choose which aspects of our infinite Creation you wish to include in your personal reality.

This is what you have wished for whilst inhabiting the lower vibrations of duality, and our telepathic contact with so many who are opening up the chakras in themselves where such contacts take place, acts completely in accordance with the freewill wishes and Laws of everyone on your surface and yet, still exposes those who are lead to our communications to our energies in a slightly distorted way but in a way that can be handled easier than the direct physical contacts.

Of course there were other, what can be seen as problems with our direct physical contacts with many souls on your world since the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria.

More recently when we personally contacted people in the physical, we completely bypassed the leaders who we had tried to offer peace to your entire world through and who refused such offers, and we went directly to [public] individuals to show ourselves to them in an effort to get many souls to show their fellow humanity that there is a reality so different, so much more advanced and so revolutionary than the reality that had been the norm for so long. Of course we learned that such direct contact, with individuals or societal leaders, has proven to have its drawbacks [nearly] every time when it comes to staying in balance with your Laws of Freewill.

Again, many souls will choose not to believe our communications are real, because you have the choice to believe in us or not. The contacts in the physical we were making before were not in complete allowance of freewill for the souls we were directly contacting, and so for the individuals the contacts were quite intense and again, a lot of lower dimensional ‘time’ has been spent by such souls absorbing the pure awesomeness of what they were exposed to.

Before deciding to contact individuals, as mentioned above we also contacted world and societal leaders in an effort to bring ascended technologies and lifestyles to your various cultures in accordance with various cycles and decreed increases of consciousness of souls on Earth, even if in such ‘small’ increments. For the majority of your times after the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, our efforts in direct contact were with the souls who represented various societies and cultures. This spans any time period that can be conceived of between the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria, right up until the present day you are all experiencing.

Of course again, the direct contact and sharing of technologies with societal and world leaders proved to have drawbacks on its own. The egos of many of the leaders we made personal contacts with and shared our technologies with grew so very big as they proclaimed themselves personal communicators with what they perceived as us ‘Gods’ and they demanded the respect that they felt they deserved from their peoples, who in many cases have been very lower dimensional over this Earth experiment as indeed that was your wish, taking to idol worship and the like.

The ego games in any culture proved to be pumped up nearly every time, and it did not help when there were negative extraterrestrial beings who kept a vested interest in the lower vibrations of Earth since the fall of Atlantis, masquerading as Gods to cultures whom we had not yet exposed ourselves to [In other words, souls who were not yet evolutionarily ready for such a contact].

Indeed, there were negative extraterrestrial beings who visited Earth and pretended to be Universal Creators, but who were in fact only interested in plundering Earth for Her resources and using unawakened souls on Earth whom they branded as peasants, to mine and farm the Earth’s resources. Of course you see the plundering of Gaia’s resources still in effect today, and it is being orchestrated by minions of former negative extraterrestrial beings, who themselves [the minions] contain the genes of the Annunaki.

Such souls think themselves special for containing within them extraterrestrial genes, which is why they choose to keep their bloodlines pure by inbreeding. Of course you all contain the DNA of extraterrestrials, and indeed the majority of you contain DNA that is not native to Earth, but has rather evolved to fit in with the Earth’s conditions.

Returning to the discussion of our direct contact with societal leaders, the lower vibrations involved with idol worship and the egotistical decrees and attitudes of the ‘leaders’ whom we made contact with, proved to us that many societies who we visited in accordance with their own points of evolution, were not quite ready to fully experience the advances that their cycle could have called for, had they been ready. Of course because of these reasons, we had to let such soul collectives undergo another lower vibratory cycle which was chosen by them through their actions when exposed to advancements in technology as well as science and philosophy.

Of course, our departure in many cases made the idol worship much worse, and as our teachings began to fade from the memories of the various civilizations in various points of time who we had visited, their actions became a bit more extreme and they took to sacrificing and other types of brutality in a desperate attempt to revive the contact with the ‘Gods’ whom they assumed us to be, who had once graced them and shared many wonderful teachings and technologies with them.

There were some civilizations however, who did not end up undergoing another lower vibratory cycle and who in fact were ready for a collective ascension after being exposed to us and our philosophy and technology. It must be understood that this entire Life experience you are undergoing has been a test, a test which all who are on Earth wished dearly to take and excitedly incarnated on Earth to take. You are being tested in lower vibratory ways, and the aim of this testing you have been undergoing for countless lives has been to find the true, pure and high vibrations of the Love which constructs your entire reality.

As many of you know, this testing and learning and growing is done in mathematical cycles, and one of the biggest tests for a civilization or society on Earth to undergo is that of being contacted by us benevolent and Loving beings who exist with you, on other worlds in this beautiful Cosmos which we all inhabit together.

The test is given to each and every civilization on your world in any time period as they begin to grow and develop. When the cycle of the ascending collective calls for it, we make our benevolent contact with you and this has happened in many different ways as mentioned before, and a crucial phase of your Earth ascension test is then initiated. Again, this has happened with every society and culture that has begun to find advancement in various time periods of your history.

This contact has happened in about every decade and century of your measured time and history, and even most recently with your current society, we made contact again with the societal leaders and with individual souls. We made the decision for the contact with individual souls after realizing time and time again that it doesn’t quite work out physically contacting only the leaders of various civilizations, because again the egos grow quite big on the leaders we have contacted.

Now, at such a crucial period in your history and your ascension process, humanity as a collective is about to undergo this test once again, as you all have in various civilizations in your history. Of course, many souls have already begun such testing, having been exposed to our energies through their telepathic and emotional channels, and indeed such souls who have found this contact with us have been tested along their ascension paths exponentially.

Another reason we prefer telepathically channeled communications is because [doing so] does not call for an overexpansion of ego on the part of the souls we communicate with, as the freewill-instated belief that the contact may not be real is still available to the souls we are communicating with.

We anticipate much upheaval when this final test comes before you all as a collective, and it will help to lay the foundation of truth by beginning all that we have to tell you with the information about the former minions of the Annunaki who have assume positions of power across your world, and all that they have done to this world and to you beautiful souls who inhabit this world.

Indeed, the souls who you know as the ‘Illuminati’ and who also possess various other ‘nicknames’ have been with you all as well since before Atlantis and Lemuria and certainly since their fall. They have attempted to control the world in various different time periods, as various different secretive families and sects.

These souls who we speak of are the manifestation of the lower vibrations that have been produced on Earth for so very long whist you have all inhabited the lower realms. Of course, this was the only role such souls were meant to fill; they incarnated on Earth to show you your collective darkness on a scale that would get your attention, but of course the lower vibrational darkness they have been exposed to whist fulfilling such a role has seen them hungry for low vibrations and as a result, they use their positions of power which they have assumed through mass deception to continually feed very low, dense vibrations on a mass, ritualistic scale.

These are the souls who fund both sides of each and every war, and if one looks back upon your history in an undistorted and unedited manner, one would find that nearly every war which has taken place in your history has been financed and planned out by the very souls we speak of.

Of course, you have all been exposed to quite a bit of accurate information on the more recent secret societies and sects before the current incantation, the ‘Illuminati’ came to be. These souls have taken different forms throughout your history but they have maintained the same goals and agendas every time; that is, to fulfill dark prophecies which they were fooled into believing were the real prophecies for the end times of each and every Earth cycle that they and you have been part of.

They were told by their former negative extraterrestrial ‘masters’ that they were to ascend after brutally committing mass acts of sacrificial and ritualistic death on the ‘peasants’ and unawakened souls on Earth, and of course as you who will be reading this communication know, that is a falsely-proclaimed end to this experience you have been undergoing.

The Earth experience is to end in a mass ascension for all who wish to be a part of such a glorious evolutionary experience. Naturally there will be many souls on your surface who will not yet be ready to embrace the higher vibrations and the miraculous wonders which you all a collective are soon to be exposed to, and many souls have made arrangements ahead of time to leave this sphere through physical death before the revelations become planet-wide.

However, to those who stick around for the full experience, the event that is ascension will be made known to all on Earth, and it will become known as an established basic physical and non-physical law, such as gravity. Through evidence which will be presented to you, it will become known on a planet-wide scale that your ascension is the next natural step in your human, physical evolution.

Obviously, the evolution when it comes to ascension is not just a physical evolution. Your ascension is an event of the physical merging with the spiritual, with the etheric, and it is about you transcending physicality and all that it entails, in favor of the true, undistorted realms of full consciousness, otherwise known as your true Home and original Creation lands.

We can feel that you can feel that the time on Earth is soon to merge, and great things are to begin happening. We have felt the anticipation in many of you and know that your anticipation is being met on our end with unending excitement for all that is to transpire.

Of course, this period you are currently experiencing and the immediate period ahead are not and have not been easy, but when the changes begin to pick up once the exposure of the dark souls on your world comes to fruition, you will all be very, very busy and this time, you will be busy doing something you will Love rather than being busy doing some mundane earthly task. Life is to be so fulfilling and filled with Joy, and with the help of us souls who care for you and Love you so very dearly, you will begin to repair the state of your world, as a collective and in such pure expressions of Joy and Love.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/6/12

Your planet is going to be cleansed of much residue left over from your 3rd dimensional experiences. Your planet is to be reborn, from the grasses to the skies, from the ocean bottoms to the mountain peaks. Nothing of the old will remain, as they possess the frequency of a lower dimensional aspect of your past. You will also be born anew, and nothing will remain of the lower dimensional aspects of yourselves as well. All and everything that will exist in your new world will be of a higher dimensional vibration. You will be experiencing a fresh start, and everything in your world will be new. You will receive new playgrounds as well as new workplaces. You will have a different set of parameters that govern your physical world, and you will have a different set of rules that govern your civilization. All will be improvements, and all that you will receive will be upgrades from your current experience.
This is your new home. You are encouraged to respect it, and you are encouraged to take part in community efforts to maintain your new world in the pristine condition you will find her. It is your world and you may do with it what you like, although as we have said, the damage done to her throughout your 3rd dimensional experiences will not be permitted to occur again.
You will have new modes of travel available to all of you throughout your world, and you will be able to travel easily to anywhere you would like, freely and without restrictions placed on you by governments and borders.
Language barriers will also be broken down as we will introduce to you new methods of communication that will allow you to hold a conversation with anyone from any part of the world. There are many delightful surprises in store for you, and these are merely a few. Your new world will be a masterpiece of design and function, and it will be yours to enjoy and to cherish upon your ascension into the higher realms of possibility.
Before all this is yours, however, there is work yet to be done here on 3rd dimensional Earth. Together we must clear the way for your new world, and as we have always maintained, it is your world and it is up to you to take care of these matters. We are only here to assist you, and we are very eager and happy to do this. One of the pressing matters that must be taken care of is the removal of those who wish to prevent you from reaching your ascension and your new home. They wish to keep you right where you are, locked within their 3rd dimensional prison planet. Many of you understand what needs to be done, and we are here to assist you with this undertaking. Consider us a big brother, coming to your aid if a bully were to be picking on you in the playground. We do see you as family, and we, of course, do not wish to see you bullied any longer. We are helping to put a stop to this by backing up your Earth allies who have been very busy preparing legal proceedings against as many of your criminal Cabal and their many associates as is possible. Additional names are added to their wanted list each day, and we are very encouraged by what we are seeing from our vantage point.
These arrests will soon begin to be broadcast through many of your media outlets, and we are pleased with the efforts of so many of our Lightworkers to clear the way for these announcements by spreading the news of these arrests and what they will mean for the people of your world. We are very encouraged by how these revelations are being received by many of you, and we say that we are very pleased with how many of your world immediately understand that these arrests are just what you needed to begin to cure the ills of your society.
We wish to see you all continue to spread this news as it is creating a wave of excitement and anticipation and that is precisely what we feel is necessary to carry your people to the next stage of your rapid development, and that is your reintroduction to your big brothers and sisters who today ‘have your back’. We are very eager to meet many of you, and as many of you know by now, we will be working personally with many of you in the days ahead as there will be much work to be done as soon as those who wish to interfere with our joint efforts are removed from your society where there will no longer be able to present a problem.
You have many allies within your large human family, and today, for reasons of security and for the successful accomplishment of certain tasks, these brave men and women are not being made known to you. Upon the arrests of the members of your criminal Cabal they will be introduced to you, and we feel many of you will be very surprised at how many friends you really have.
For so long the dark has ruled with an iron fist over your world, and the arm of their power reached far and it reached deep. It seemed to many of you that your world was full of men and women of darkness, and those of the light were few and far between. This has never been the case, however, and as you will soon see for yourselves, the light has always far out reached the dark on this planet.
Help your brothers and sisters of light chisel away these few dark ones that have embedded themselves within their seats of power. Help pry them from their positions of power and cart them off where they can be re-sculpted and once again permitted to reenter societies within this universe. This is what is planned for these dark ones, as they can no longer be permitted to walk freely in your world as they have shown no propensity for lawful and civilized behavior. They must therefore be removed, and you have many Earth allies seeing to it that this is done. We will keep you updated to these proceedings, and we encourage you to monitor your media outlets for leakages of these proceedings and also for breaking news. We assure you that you will not be disappointed.
Remember to always be there for your brothers and sisters who may succumb to fear upon news of these arrests as they will number greatly, and many will find it quite startling to know what has really been going on around them. Help them to understand that all is well and these arrests were necessary to get your world back on track, and that your world is now free to prosper as should have always been the way.
You work in this area will not be completed upon these arrests however, as many far more radical changes will begin soon after and it is here that we foresee greater numbers of those who will be confused and frightened. Be as understanding as you can be with these souls, remember, not all of you have taken the same path here and some of you have been down similar roads like this before and others have not. We are extremely pleased at how we see so many of you coming to the aid of others at this time, and we see this new brother and sisterhood carrying you through the door of your new home.
This is how it will be in your new world, and we are very encouraged of how you can all treat each other and be there for each other in your times of need. As we have described for you, your new world will be a paradise, but not only in your natural surroundings, but also in the manner in which you all interact with each other, and that will be the most beautiful sight of all to behold. Continue to build these bridges between yourselves and they will take you to possibilities you have never dreamed of.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


As channeled through Greg Giles